Victory or Defeat?
A Vital Question for Christians to Answer Also
Do you know what it is to have uninterrupted (continuous) victory over all known sin on a daily basis? This is not to ask, "Do you believe it is possible?"-- for Satan, himself, knows it is possible. Do you experience this "Gift of victory?"
If you do not know what it is to have this experience,
- Do you desire it? This is a simple "yes" or "no".
- Why not ask for the desire if you do not have it?
- Thank the Almighty One (YAH) that you now have the desire for this "Gift of victory."
- Now that you have the desire, why not ask the Heavenly Father for this victorious life of "Christ in you, the Hope of glory?"
- The critical step now is to thank God that He has given to you the marvelous victorious life of Christ, your Savior.
- Know, therefore, that in accepting Him (with His victory), you have given up all defeat (including the thoughts of defeat). Do not entertain the thought that your Savior can be defeated in a temptation to sin! He will hold your life in victory!!! 1 Cor. 13:10.
- Now that you have Christ living in you by His Spirit, take each step knowing that your Creator is in total control. You may rest in His love and faithful Providence (keeping the true Sabbath).
"Go and sin no more." John 8:11. "If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes." Mark 9:23.
"We know that whosoever is born of God does not sin;
but he that is begotten of God keeps himself,
and that wicked one does not touch him." 1 John 5:18.Yes, of course, we desire your fellowship!!
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The Victorious Life
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