Welcome to the Binary Angel website, a publishing ministry of the
Creation 7th Day Adventist Church operating in the country of Belize. The
purpose of this collection of pages is to provide a resource of both prophetic
and studious materials for those seeking the truth as it is in Yahshua, our
Redeemer and High Priest. The links on the left of this page will serve as
a guide through the website; they connect you with various writings I have
posted, as well as my own testimony and the reasons for my involvement in this project.

It is my sincere prayer that this work will prove a great blessing to all
those who are seeking a clear understanding of the Scriptures and who are
anticipating with great joy the return of our Lord.




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Online Bible


Global CSDA Radio

Contact Information
Email: flyingcreature@hotmail.com
Phone: 800-754-8021