Miscellaneous Correspondence

July 31, 1997

Barbara Isenburg
P O Box 284
Spring City, TN 373810-0284

Dear Barbara:

Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord! We must both be very busy; it certainly has taken me a long time to answer your last letter. This is partly because I get so many letters that along with many other duties, it becomes necessary to search for time. The larger reason why I have taken so long is because it has been my desire to pray over your letter and prayerfully consider my response.

The quotations you have given are certainly powerful ones and I praise the Lord that my faith and confidence in this gift is very strong! I have not been able to study these quotes however in their complete context which might present some enlightening details. I am not privy to any of the "behind-the-scenes" reasons for any of the actions that the leadership of our church may have taken at some point in time.

But having served several years as a conference president I know personally that much of the time, all of the details cannot always be revealed in order to protect the confidentiality of the parties involved. But whenever decisions were made that appeared to be contrary to inspired counsel, I believe that those involved, after studying and praying over the issues and studying the inspired counsel have tried by the grace of God to do the very best thing that God would have them to do.

In other words, the point I am trying to make is, "What is the principle involved in the counsel and how does it apply to the facts of a given case at hand?" I do not believe in "situation ethics." But Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy make it clear that there are times when "circumstances alter cases." This is sacred ground in which to use to help in making a decision; it certainly can be abused and used for self-justification. But for example: The seventh day is always the Sabbath and in it "thou shalt do no work, thou nor thy..., etc."

However in the life of the minister, it is usually their busiest and involved day of the week. Another example: The law said that the shewbread was holy and not to be eaten by anyone except the priests. Yet Jesus clearly indicated that when David received and ate it, he was not sinning. Or another; Jesus reminded the Pharisees that though it is not right to harvest crops or do general work with cattle, etc. on the Sabbath (such as move them from one pasture to another,) yet there are times when even on the Sabbath it is not wrong. (The animal in the ditch or the disciples "harvesting" grain to eat.)

It seems to me that the principle is that the Sabbath of course is holy; it is not simply another day. But given that fact, one must also be careful to not miss the spirit of the law while observing the letter. I am not suggesting that my illustrations here exactly fit the issue that your letters have addressed. But I am appealing that in all our conclusions we faithfully follow the inspired counsel of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, and that we also remember that God is the judge. Even when we err and make mistakes, either individually or corporately, He does not forsake us when it is in our hearts to please Him. There have been many times I have learned from my mistakes thus helping me not to continue to make the same mistakes.

So perhaps if I knew all the facts surrounding a given case in which it appears that the church has erred, I want to be more contemplative before assuming anything or in appearing to be judgmental. Of one thing I am very sure, I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit is the divine administrator of God's remnant church. And that even though as a church/a people, we are "defective and enfeebled," we are still "the only object on earth upon which God bestows His supreme regard."

Barbara, in conclusion I want to thank you again for your concerns. Thank you for the quotes; I shall keep them and contemplate them often as a leader in whatever capacity. With this letter, our fourth on the subject, I need to conclude this issue. In other words, this will be my last letter on this topic. Thank you again for the time you have taken. May God richly bless you and me and His church along with all of it's leaders., that all might receive much more of His Holy Spirit so our characters might perfectly reflect Him who died for us. Oh how much I desire this to be true in my life each day. God bless!


David W. Wolkwitz,
Special Assistant to Pastor Finley

Email: Creation Ministries