Miscellaneous Correspondence

        Church name controversy
        12 Feb 97 16:59:05 EST
        Howard Welklin <74617.3573@CompuServe.COM>
        Barbara Isenburg 

Hello, Barbara --

I'm sorry that Mark is unable to respond to your message at this 
time.  He operates on a hectic schedule and is called away from 
the office much of the time for speaking appointments, committee
meetings, along with production schedules.  Thus, he depends on 
his staff to care for many items.  That's why I'm sending this 
message to you--in his place.  I'm sure you will be understanding.

Here at the IT IS WRITTEN office, we are not conversant with the 
issue at Rogue River, Oregon.  This is a legal matter that is 
handled in Washington, D.C., and to this date, we have not had 
opportunity to become acquainted with the ramifications.  I'm 
sure there are sincere individuals who take opposing sides on this.

Since this is not in our area of expertise, I suggest that you 
contact the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department of 
the General Conference.  The director is John Graz and the 
Associate Director is Wintley A. Phipps.  These brethren would 
know about these matters first hand.

When I saw your address as being Spring City, Tennessee, it 
brought back memories of my pastorate there back in the early 
1950's.  I held an evangelistic tent meeting right in the center 
of town one summer, along with pastoring 6 churches in the area.

May the dear Lord bless you abundantly.

Howard Welklin
Assistant to Mark Finley

Barbara's Next E-mail to It is Written

Email: Creation Ministries