10-26-13 F.o.T. Day 8 Lessons on Faith summaries and Q&A

Transcripts of Sabbath Studies for review and discussion
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10-26-13 F.o.T. Day 8 Lessons on Faith summaries and Q&A

Postby Adriel » November 3rd, 2013, 4:21 pm

Topic is: The Feast of Tabernacles 2013
Happy Sabbath, and Welcome to The Feast!
Day 8 Lessons on Faith summaries and Q&A

Zahakiel : We will go ahead and begin in here, and hopefully the Skype connections will clear up. Is everyone present here?

Guest_Adriel : yes
Guest_Barb19217 : I am here.
Guest_Peter_Jr_1516 : Here.
Lucan : Here
Guest_Giselle : I am in Buzzen
Guest_Elyna : Yes
Guest_Pastor_Chick : Here.

Zahakiel : Ok. Bro. Luke, please offer an opening prayer.
Guest_gadriel : Here & Here

Lucan : Dear heavenly Father. We come before you on this Sabbath and last great day of the feast in thanks for the blessings of this season of refreshing. We are thankful for the opportunity to connect with each other during this time, and look forward to continuing to do so beyond. We pray that your Spirit bless our proceeding with fruitful discussion and increase in knowledge of you and each other. In the name of Yahshua we pray, amen

Zahakiel : Amen
Guest_Barb19217 : Amen
Guest_Elyna : Amen.
Guest_Peter_Jr_1516 : Amen.
Guest_Daphna : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Amen
Guest_Giselle : Amen
Guest_gadriel : Amen & Amen

Zahakiel : Happy Sabbath to all. This final meeting will be something of an "open format" one wherein we can ask questions about any subject of concern, primarily related to the material we have covered over the course of the feast, but not strictly restricted only to those. Before we begin, however, I would like for each of the presenters to very briefly summarize the topic that they shared with the Church, as a way to refresh us on these things. It would probably be best if we go in the order of presentation. So, Sis. Guerline, can you give us a short summary of the things you covered in your welcome address?

Guest_Elyna : Oh I was just looking at that. Talking might be better for me…since I have a slow typing system.

Zahakiel : If you do not go too fast I can transcribe it in here for the transcript.
Guest_Adriel : (Thanks)
Guest_Elyna : Ok.

Zahakiel : G: Well, we talked about the purpose in terms of event and times of the Feast in general. I tried to cover all the feasts, not just the FOT. And I was just looking at it this morning; to see if there was any part of it any questions I had myself, for this session of Q&A. So, what I said about the feasts first we looked at what the feasts are, and what purposes they were given. And we saw that the Sabbath was named among the feasts of Yahweh, even though some SDA scholars try to say that even though it is there among them, the Sabbath is in a different category.

But the Bible has Yahweh say unto Moses, concerning the feasts, (and then He lists them, stating the Sabbath first) and he continues saying, "These are the feasts of the Lord, which ye shall proclaim in your seasons." And we have to basically go by what the Word says. So I stated the feasts, the different ones, starting with the very first one mentioned... I believe it is the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This is the first one mentioned after the Sabbath. Then firstfruits, Pentecost, Day of Atonement, then Feast of Tabernacles. and I tried to demonstrate the purpose of the Feasts we saw from Paul, in the NT, through Ellen White in the time of the pioneers, that the feasts were considered to be active, given from Yahweh and some of them will not see their fulfillment until the end of time. And so it is with the FoT. It is also for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. And we see from the Bible that these will only see their fulfillment when Yahshua comes. And when I was doing my research for the study, I saw that these feasts will be of benefit to us. And I even went to the point of thinking that some of them will never pass away like the New Moon. Every New Moon we will be meeting to thank our Father for what He has done in our lives. And we will also be celebrating the Sabbath in the New Earth. And I would not be surprised if some of these (other) feasts were also kept there, because of their importance. And that is basically it. And something that is to be remembered is perhaps the passage where Mrs. White tells us. It says that, "If the children of Israel needed the benefits of the convocation in their time, how much more do we need them in this time of conflict?" And we have that verse that says we are living in perilous times, wherein Satan's deceptions may deceive the very elect. “if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.» Matthew 24:24”. And so I was saying that those other Churches like the SDA Church, they have no choice but to join in the other churches' festivities, and so I saw the importance of the church of Yahweh to join together and have these times of refreshing. And that is the greatest way for us today to draw nigh, by having these times to consider our salvation, and our walk in Christ, and to support and encourage each other by being present. There is some kind of a bond, or chemistry, that we create when we meet for the feast.

Zahakiel : Me: Ok, thank you sis. Guerline. I will give Giselle a few minutes to translate this to her parents.

Guest_Elyna : You're welcome. :)

Zahakiel : Ok, we continue. The next study presented was given by me on Sabbath morning, and it was called "Living by Faith." I began by first giving a testimony about my own recent healing in which, because of the condition of my body, I was feeling few emotions of any kind, and those that I did tended toward the negative. There were a number of powerful temptations as a result of this, but I made the conscious decision to reject them, and to continue as I was, praising my Father, and looking forward to the time when this trial would be nothing more than a testimony of victory.

Interestingly, Sis. Barb's last study, just last night, reinforced this very idea, which seems to have been an unofficial theme of our feast “Faith, not Feelings”. Then I went over the main parts of the Living by Faith article, of which there were three. The first establishes that the Law of Yahweh is a transcript of our Father's perfect will, and His character. It determines the difference between sin and righteousness, and in fact, by comparing a word, thought, or action to the Law, this is THE way we can evaluate its value in eternity, whether it is good or evil.

The second part is an attempt to clear up a misconception among some believers, and this section seems to be the most related to the title "Living by Faith." the misconception is that once we have been converted, transformed by the power of Yahweh to new creatures, we - as new creatures - are left to figure out the rest of sanctification by ourselves. The article points out that true conversion is not just a change in the life from one creature to another it is the death of the original creature such that, Christ who comes to abide within it is the ONLY life that the new creature has. As a result of this, the life that follows, living by faith, is only through the ongoing and continuous dependence upon the life of Christ within us, so that sanctification, and all that follows conversion, is truly the work of Yahweh in us through His Son and their Spirit. A life lived in this way cannot be overcome, and victory over sin and this world, and certainly the works of the flesh, is the only natural result.

The third, and final, portion, intended to show how this continues forward indefinitely, that this life of faith has no end...

Guest_Elyna : Amen.

Zahakiel : speaks about military conflicts, and that the success of an army depends upon the characteristics of its leader. Examples are given of Alexander the Great and generals from more recent warfare. And it is shown that, under charismatic, powerful leaders, the armies would look forward to conflict, because they expected victory. And this expected victory was a critical factor to those armies actually obtaining it. Spiritually, the same principles apply.

If we put our trust in Yahshua as the "Author and Finisher of our faith," and if we expect the victory, based upon His unbroken record, then, for now and for eternity, we will not seek to avoid the conflicts, or to hide from combat with sin and self... but we will press forward, expecting, and obtaining, the perfect victory our leader has already won for us.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Zahakiel : That is a summary of what I presented. So, whoever presented on Sunday may take it from here.

Guest_Adriel : Ok that would be me :) I spoke on the chapter Gal 5:22-26, which is talking about the fruit of the Spirit in the life of the believer. Jones tells us that the Spirit is given in its fullness to every believer, but he lets us know that while we have the Spirit we still have the temptations of the flesh, as David gave testimony of. But because Yahshua came in our flesh, with all its weakness, temptations etc. and overcame ALL sin in the flesh, He condemned sin in the flesh. He won the victory over sin in our flesh. And the victory in its fullness is given to every believer in Yahshua! Amen!

He also mentions that this victory is given to us as well as the divine power to maintain it: This is a theme of these studies.

Guest_Barb19217 : Amen
Zahakiel : (Is that the end of your summary?) :)

Guest_Adriel : That we are not only given forgiveness and made righteous by Yahshua’s sacrifice, but we are also given the divine nature, the very life, mind and faith of Yahshua; His very presence within us who lives this life of victory in us.

Guest_Adriel : (No :) almost)

Zahakiel : (Ok)

Guest_Adriel : So, to conclude the gospel is Christ in us the hope of glory, and in that life all the parts of the fruit will be present. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, meekness, and temperance. End.

Zahakiel : Thank you :) Who was it that presented on Monday? Giselle will speak in Skype and I will type it here:

Zahakiel : Giselle: So, I was talking about the power of the Word. And, we were doing a comparison of a general "seed," a common seed that grows and responds to the sunlight, nutrients and the rain. It naturally responds to growth, and grows into a beautiful tree with fruits. And I was saying that "rest" is one of the prerequisites to come to this growth in Christ. And Alonzo Jones was saying that we are not to say, "I will do this," and "I will do that" as if we were acting, something out of our own efforts, to become something that Yahweh is telling us to become. But that we naturally respond to Yah's word by faith. And we were also making a clarification that this rest has nothing to do with laziness, negligence, and sitting down doing nothing. That in the same way Adam and Eve were expected to rest in Yah as a natural state of their condition, before sin, they were expected to use their own responsibility, even before sin, and their free will to respond to Yah's voice and choose to obey Him because of love. And we are expected, as the Second Eve, to exercise our own will and act based on our faith and obedience to Yah.

And that we need to look upon the Word of Yah as a self-fulfilling power. There was an example of a centurion who had great faith in the power of Yahshua, and he said, "Whatever you said, it will be done," because he understood the power of the Word. And he had the personal experience of being a centurion, giving orders to soldiers. So that impact on him was greater, and he understood the power of the Word. And so in the same way that the worlds are sustained by His power and His Word since He has created them, in the same way, that same power and word can keep us from falling. And that's basically the summary.

Zahakiel : Me: All right, thank you for sharing that with us. (She will now translate for her parents)

Zahakiel : Ok, thanks. Next, we would like the presenter for Tuesday's study to summarize the topic.

Guest_Barb19217 : That is me.
Guest_gadriel : Amen.

Guest_Barb19217 : I covered the chapters of "Boundless Grace" and "Grace or Sin". My summary is rather brief as there was a lot of repetition in the chapters but the subject is very powerful. Grace is a free gift from Yahweh - in an unlimited or boundless amount! It is as easy to do right with the grace of Yah as it was to do wrong when we were still under bondage to Satan. Yah's grace is greater than the bondage of Satan, and His grace has freed us from that bondage. The purpose of Yah's grace is to save and perfect all who will accept it.

Guest_Elyna : Amen.

Guest_Barb19217 : Since we have this gift of boundless grace, and as we depend on His grace (not ourselves), we know we are (and will be) saved and that our character will be perfected.

Jude 24: "Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy"

Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" We KNOW, we are CONFIDENT, that He will be able to present us faultless to His Father, as His perfect bride, when He comes. <End>

Zahakiel : Amen, thank you :)
Guest_Adriel : Amen!
Guest_Elyna : Amen.
Zahakiel : Ok, I think Bro. Luke did the Thursday session.
Guest_Giselle : (Amen)
Zahakiel : Sorry, Sis. Daphna was next; on Wednesday :) go ahead, Sis. Daphna.

Zahakiel : Daphna: I take my lesson study from Gal 1:3-5. Paul, the apostle, was speaking to the Churches in Galatia. He starts out in verse 3 - Grace to you and peace from the Father and Lord Jesus Christ, (And verse 4) So the Father gave us the Son, and it says that God so loves the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. And so as Jesus hung on that cross in shame, and humility he did that out of love and out of obedience to the Father - but that was also love, because they loved man so greatly they did not want man to die with no hope. And so that really touches the heart, that really brings it as close as you can get, that love, and what I said too, (and I like this thought) He did it for everyone. He didn't leave out anyone. So, if he had left out just one, I would say, "there's not much hope for me." So I am really glad he didn't leave out anyone.

Guest_Adriel : Amen (me too.)

Zahakiel : Daphna: It says, He might deliver us from the present evil age, and Satan walks to and fro, just waiting to see who he can devour, and I believe in the beginning he (Satan) knew that God was right, and he was wrong, but he tried to convince all of the world that God wasn't right and he was and he has done this so often, he has convinced himself that he is right, and God is wrong. And as we have accepted Christ's love on the cross, and accepted how God's love has been (and Jesus' also) that we cannot do anything good of ourselves we are saved by grace through faith, through God and Jesus, our Lord and Savior. It isn't anything we do of ourselves, it is through living faith. This is something I have learned through our studies. It has to be a _living_ faith. It has to be alive, and active. The minute God speaks, it comes into existence. But I never thought of it this deeply, that this is alive. And He comes to live IN us, so He is active; we all owe that glory to God. We know it is Him, and we always want to give Him the glory and praise. And He will get it - I do not claim any. And so I was thinking here earlier, as I spoke, that I want to glorify Him in what I say. And I was thinking that He finds glory in how we present Him. We love our children, even when they don't do right...but when they do, we feel some glory. But He deserves all the glory, and we thank Him for His love, and we praise him. And this opportunity through the feast has given me a better understanding of this living faith, this living testimony that lives in us. Thank you.

Zahakiel : Me; Thank you for that summary.
Zahakiel : Giselle will translate for her parents now.

Guest_eagle : Hello Jody and all. These summaries’ are very inspiring. Good work/study and presentations. Thank you.

Guest_Adriel : Amen :)

Guest_Giselle : (Amen)

Zahakiel : Ok, Bro. Luke, go ahead with your summary :)

Lucan : My lesson was a short summary of two relatively short articles; one being "The Unconquerable Life" from Lessons on Faith, and the other being "The Winning Life" from... well, our website, I guess. :) I started with John 1:4, 5: "In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness conquered it not." John 1:4, 5. We went over how "light" and "life" are interchangeable here, as are the words "conquered" and "comprehended;" that the word in Greek can mean to seize or take hold of something physically by force, or mentally by understanding. Any combination of these phrases results in a true statement; the world cannot overcome or understand the life of Christ, or the light that we are given through that life. We touched briefly on David's example of Alexander the Great leading his armies to victory, saying that while the process is the same, the results are even greater; we are "more than" conquerors, and go from victory to victory without sustaining losses. We talked about Christ not giving His life as a separate element, but Christ Himself becoming our life, and the consequences of that. That Christ Himself is in us, and that in matters of faith we become identified with Him - in spirit and in character, we become Christ.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Lucan : We closed with the connection that every testimony we give of ourselves, every temptation we meet, every experience we endure, is met by Christ as our life. <End.>

Zahakiel : Ok, thank you for that :) And finally, Sis. Barb again from last night.

Guest_Barb19217 : Yes, and that was about Creation VS Evolution. It benefits us to look at creation and evolution and what they are so that we can be sure that we experience and believe in creation.

Evolution: represents the course of the world as a gradual process from the lower to the higher. Says that the world becomes better by itself and this improvement is caused by itself (the world). The way a person in the world can know he/she has become better is because of 'feeling' better. Is a process of 'getting better' through many ups and downs. It seems the person is doing well, then something will happen and it all falls apart. The person gets up and starts over again - over and over. Evolution considers matter eternal, that it has always existed, so was not created and takes a very long, indescribable time while Creation happens instantaneously. Occurs in response to the Word of Yah. Yah speaks and it is! Does not depend on feelings, but the Word of Yah. Occurs as we believe that Yah's Word accomplishes it - we cooperate, but we do not do it of ourselves. In the second chapter of Ephesians, eighth to tenth verses, we read: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." As we look to the Creator, and receive HIS creative Word, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly;” we WILL do the good works He has created us to do! We need to pay no attention to good works that are NOT created there (they are not His). The only 'good works' that are truly good are the ones that our Creator has created in us. It is HIS work which is done by creation, not evolution. We are creationists! <End>

Guest_Adriel : Amen!
Zahakiel : Amen, thank you :) All right, with these summaries in mind,

Guest_Elyna : Amen.
Guest_Giselle : Amen

Zahakiel : the floor is open for questions and comments about these primarily, but any related topic that comes to mind also. Giselle mentioned that her father had a comment or question fairly early on. Ok, we will wait for them to tell Giselle first, so others can go ahead.

Zahakiel : Daphna has a question: Someone in their study said that Yah has given in fullness, His grace, to every believer. I thought, and I have even voiced, that we were given grace just for 24 hours a day, so I would like you to speak on that, or sort that out for me.

Zahakiel : Me: Would anyone like to answer this?

Guest_Giselle : A.
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Guest_Giselle : Do you mean when Ellen White says "Yah gives us grace for each day"? That we don't need to worry for tomorrow, because when tomorrow comes, we will have grace for that day, when it comes? Is that what you are referring to?

Zahakiel : Daphna: Yes. I thought that we only had grace for one day, but it is said it is given in fullness to those who believe.

Guest_Giselle : yes, each day we receive the fullness of Yah's grace, yes.

Zahakiel : So, we would see "fullness" as a quality, then, not an amount?

Guest_eagle : C/Q

Guest_Giselle : we can't know what tomorrow brings, but we know that when that day comes we will continue to be hold up by Yah's grace, with His fulness. End

Zahakiel : Ok. Does that answer the question, Daphna? She says she understands. Go ahead, Sheila.

Guest_eagle : "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Eph 6:11. Does the "quality" of God's "fullness" apply in "amount" as how well we are prepared to do battle, readiness to fight the good fight? End

Zahakiel : I'm not certain what your question is asking...can you reword that in some way for clarity (unless someone else gets it and would like to answer)?

Guest_eagle : As in the daily grace spoken of....

Guest_Adriel : A

Zahakiel : Go ahead (if Sheila is done rewording)

Guest_eagle : our preparedness/connection with God and Jesus Christ through prayer and familiarity /study with Scripture. End.

Guest_Adriel : The bible says that in Christ ALL the fulness of the Godhead dwelt bodily, which includes His grace. When we accept Christ, the bible also says that He comes to dwell in us and the Father also. We have the mind of Christ; we have His personal presence within us. So we have, what He has, which is All the fulness of the Godhead. So we have fullness of grace and every other gift of Yah in us. Does that help clarify?

Guest_Daphna : Sheila, was you asking a question or was you giving an answer to my question? End

Guest_eagle : I understand what you have said. Still have questions. Will study today on these thoughts...having to do with levels of readiness. End

Zahakiel : Ok. Others with questions or comments?

Guest_Daphna : Ok, thank you Sheila.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : C
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : We HAVE ALL that Christ is given to us as a gift. BUT, people may not SEE ALL of that in our lives BECAUSE, we are IGNORANT of the fullness of the Gift. One reason we are to study the character of the Father and His Son daily and moment by moment is so we can increase our knowledge of the Gift that we ALREADY have but may not be reflecting. We do not KNOW we are NOT reflecting the full measure AND, we do not know WHEN we ARE perfectly reflecting that Gift. SO, the church members who are in covenant together can assist us in increasing our knowledge of this limitless and unbounded Gift. This speaks to the process of sanctification; we cannot be fully SANCTIFIED unless we GROW in GRACE and KNOWLEDGE of the boundless GIFT that is FREELY given to all who believe. END.

Zahakiel : Right.
Guest_Giselle : Amen.
Guest_gadriel : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Amen

Guest_eagle : C
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Guest_eagle : This is why I continue to attend your studies, even though...not a member. End

Guest_Giselle : Do you want to become a member? :)

Guest_eagle : To my knowledge, there is nowhere in the Scriptures that states one has to become a member of a certain church to receive eternal life.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : Q
Zahakiel : (Are you finished, Sheila?)
Guest_eagle : Oh, sorry...END.
Zahakiel : Go ahead, pastor.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : I wonder if Eagle's thought on this is true? I believe the Bible DOES teach that there is ONE CHURCH, ONE BODY, and everyone who is IN CHRIST is a member of that ONE BODY. Now a question comes to mind. Would a woman rightly partake of the benefits of a man without becoming MARRIED to him? There is a "marriage supper of the Lamb" mentioned in the Bible, and ALL who will attend that supper will have been MARRIED to the Lamb. What is that marriage? Does anyone know? END.

Guest_eagle : A
Guest_Elyna : A
Zahakiel : Go ahead, Sheila.

Guest_eagle : A person, a believer in Christ, a follower of Him and His Word, His bride when accepted into His kingdom /the bridegroom. End

Zahakiel : Go ahead, Guerline.

Guest_Elyna : In order to have a marriage SUPPER, there must necessarily have been a ceremonial event that has united His Bride to Him. And, that ceremony is the Covenant that we have entered in with Him. Perhaps, should we review that new covenant? End.

Zahakiel : I have a few thoughts on that. Well, first, I noticed that Sheila didn't actually answer Giselle's question, which was whether she "wanted" to be a member. That was not addressed, and I think that the desire to be one, or not to be one, can color one's viewing of the "theology" involved. To answer pastor's questions that followed, in my understanding the Bible does teach that there is only one legitimate Bride of Christ, and so I would ask if a part of Sheila's resistance to this has been because she indeed sees the CSDA movement as "a certain Church," as in one of several potentially legitimate ones, as opposed to the Remnant mentioned in prophecy. If she does not understand the Biblical teaching of A Remnant, as opposed to several remnant groups, then clearly this would cause some confusion, and a hesitancy to commit to any one of the several.

The next question, "Would a woman rightly partake of the benefits of a man without becoming married to him?" The answer to that is an obvious "No," so then we have to find out what this marriage means. Guerline began to address that by mentioning the concept of "covenant," which we do teach pretty heavily. And I believe we can support it that the ONLY true covenant that remains in effect after the cross IS Church membership. Circumcision has passed away. Becoming a member of the nation of Israel is no longer relevant. All that remains is uniting with the "Body" of Christ. The only way to do this is by baptism, which is an entrance into a particular Church because baptism is not just "into Christ," but into His Body as well. Now, when this was described, there was only one Church, and since that time there have been splittings, factions and various denominations. So clearly, Satan has provided many counterfeits to the true Body. The question is, do we legitimize Satan's work by agreeing that some of the many Churches are also valid? I think that, if we are truly to follow Him and His Word, we must accept ALL that He teaches about what baptism means, about what the New Testament covenant entails and we cannot claim to be followers of Him if we do not follow Him onto the cross, into the grave, and into perfect unity with His Remnant on earth. Otherwise we are only following our own desires, and claiming them to be His. End.

Guest_Giselle : c
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Guest_Giselle : Well, many have a concept of a church, as a collection of several bodies, which at the same time have their own heads (with different concepts of the gospel). This reminds me of the dragon, which has several heads with one body. Like David said, the only Head is Christ, and His body must follow ALL that He directs His body to do. There is only ONE Gospel, and ONE understanding of the Gospel. Can someone paste Isaias chapter 4?

Guest_Adriel : true understanding?
Guest_Giselle : ONE understanding according to Yahshua, and His example.

Zahakiel : (I can) It is only 6 verses:

Guest_Giselle : thanks.

Zahakiel : And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning. And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence. And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain. (Isa 4:1-6)

Guest_Giselle : We see here that the religious bodies of the last days, will use only the name of their Master, but they will ignore or neglect what Yahshua really teaches. So they have their own heads (which is not Christ) for they choose to eat their own bread (doctrine), and wear their own apparel (their own righteousness). This concept of a church is completely deformed, to my understanding. There is only one head and one Body and both move in unity because both share the same Spirit, the Spirit of Yah that gives victory and freedom from sin. The second part Isaiah chapter 4 talks about the Remnant of Yah. Christ's Body in the last days. End.

Guest_eagle : C
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Guest_eagle : The thief on the cross is my best example. He was saved simply because Jesus knew his true heart. Jesus, the Lamb was the earth's sacrifice to save mankind. Because God so loved us. I love and respect you all and it is my hope to continue to study with you if your reasoning and…

Zahakiel : (I have a question when you are finished)

Guest_eagle :…or belief that my "theology" is not in your liking as in the Pharisee's and the Sadducee’s did not like what Jesus taught, please let me know. End

Zahakiel : Well, first, "liking" one's theology or not is not relevant - it is about how well we reflect and practice what the Bible says. Second, I hope that you will take the time to go over the transcript when it is posted, to see that you still haven't answered Giselle's question about what it is you desire. This is actually a very important one, and I am not sure if you know the answer yourself yet, or can express it clearly but it is important, because you use, as the best example of what you are saying the thief on the cross. So my question is, do you see yourself as this thief? Have you come to meet Christ at the very end of your life, condemned for a crime, and unable to move as you would like? Because the thief IS a very good example of a Christian conversion and would have been baptized, and become a lifelong member of the Bride (as we have been saying) if he had been spared the condemnation of the Cross. So, then the question is, what is it that binds you and makes you inactive? If you see yourself as the thief, you DO want to follow Christ in every way (including the covenant) but find yourself "unable" to do so as death approaches. Do you still consider the parallel to be true? End.

Guest_eagle : To answer Giselle's question. No, I do not consider it necessary to become a member of your church to be a member of Christ's church on earth…

Zahakiel : (That was not her question)

Guest_eagle : What was her question then?

Guest_Giselle : Do you WANT TO become a member? :) (desire)

Guest_eagle : Why is my answer not an answer?
Guest_Giselle : (it is a yes or no question, really)

Zahakiel : You answered about necessity. We are asking what it is YOU want to do. Do you truly not see the difference? "I do not consider it necessary" has nothing whatsoever to do with "Yes, I want to be a member," or "No, I do not want to be a member." End

Guest_Pastor_Chick : "If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Matt. 6:23b)

Guest_eagle : Maybe at this point, I'm uncertain. Still trying to understand all of your doctrines and beliefs and why/uncertainties of being a "member" is relevant to eternal life with Christ.

Zahakiel : Well, I think we should all be praying that you become certain one way or another...

Guest_Elyna : Q for Sheila

Zahakiel : the Scriptures talk about "sealing," that is, settling into a position on this and other matters so that we cannot be moved. But I think if you are looking for a Biblical justification for your current state of indecision...

Guest_Pastor_Chick : A

Zahakiel : you will need another "type" than the thief on the cross. I think there is little doubt he would have dedicated the rest of his life to the Gospel and the brethren after Yahshua's death if given the opportunity to do so. You HAVE that opportunity. Go ahead, Guerline.

Guest_Elyna : How do you understand and explain this Bible verse: 1 Corinthians 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

Guest_eagle : A

Guest_Elyna : Christ and His Body are one. End

Zahakiel : Go ahead, pastor.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : Sorry...When "Christians" have "love" and "respect" for each other, they want to be close to each other. They want to be "family". They are "accountable" to one another as family members. Every family is designated and initiated by a covenant. There has to be SOME "agreement" in order to exist as a family. Now, my answer to what Eagle has been saying is that she DID request baptism and church membership at one time. That was the initial reason Br. Luke and I decided to take a trip to So. CAL. Something happened to change her mind. She has never confronted that to us (only privately to Jody) and Jody has not been at liberty to go into the specifics (as I understand it). I would like to open this up with all honesty and find out the facts about what changed her heart and her decision END.

Zahakiel : Go ahead, Sheila.

Guest_eagle : First to answer Guerline's question. The thief on the cross became a member of Christ's body (in Christ) as all true Christians in our world who accept Christ into their heart (body). This is how I interpret this verse. There are many different interpretations. To address Pastor's thoughts… first to thank Jody for keeping private matters, private.

Guest_Elyna : Q

Guest_eagle : What happened to change my mind was a series of events while you and Luke stayed with me. I would like to discuss this with you and Luke privately. It is not open for me.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : (If Luke is willing to hear/read it openly, I have already requested it.)
Lucan : (Yes, I am)

Guest_Pastor_Chick : (It was told to Jody who was NOT a party to the matters, so it can be brought forth right here.)

Guest_eagle : You have not understood what I just said. It is NOT open for me. You see it is not always just about YOU.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : You have implied it was related to the visit from Luke and myself.

Guest_eagle : I'm needing to get on my knees and pray… I love you all. Good bye for now.

Zahakiel : Are there any further comments or questions for the meeting?

Zahakiel : Maria says that in the last study Creation vs. Evolution, something that struck her is that Israel was proud of being the people of Yah, and they preached it in the Synagogues, and always saying, "I will do what Yahweh says." but they allowed a long time to pass between hearing it, and bringing things to pass and so they were a kind of evolutionists as well. And we must be alert to avoid becoming like them. And, the true purpose of the gift of grace is to make us similar to the likeness of Yahshua and many have difficulty accomplishing this because, as the study says, many try to serve God with the power of Satan. Therefore, it is important to be born again, so that grace has power in the believer.

Zahakiel : Jaime had a testimony. (there is some question as to how he will share it… we are trying to clear this up) Here it is: I want to give thanks to Yahweh because, since I have been baptized in 2012 (April), after that experience I have had to struggle with some internal desires or struggles that put to question my conversion but during this Feast of Tabernacles, I have received a great understanding and clarification about the power to overcome easily that feeling therefore I am giving thanks to Yahshua.
Guest_Adriel : Amen

Zahakiel : There was a part in the victory that was a little unclear to me, but with Galatians 5:22-26 I have understood the full application of the part that says, "those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." So, I have overcome that misconception, and now I am happy to be free from them. But this testimony is not from Jaime, but from Victoria....

Guest_Barb19217 : Amen

Zahakiel : So she, is asking for Yahweh's forgiveness for those feelings that she was accepting but that now she feels happy to be free from them. Ok, clarification...in Spanish, victoria and victory are the same word. So, this WAS Jaime's testimony, but it is a testimony about his victory, not his daughter Victoria :)

Zahakiel : Ok, are there any other comments or questions?

Guest_Giselle : C.
Zahakiel : Go ahead

Guest_Giselle : I want to give a testimony and prayer request. Victoria, Jaime's daughter, told my father and I when we visited her on the last day, before my trip (back to Belize) that she wanted to tell you that she has been greatly blessed by the studies and she told me she would begin to tithe. My prayer request is for her to grasp fully the gospel, meanwhile, she attends the studies she has faced many financial difficulties, but she has seen the hand of God working in her, holding her up thru them. She has not been paid for a long time, but she has given me what she has been able to get. She is not an Adventist, and never has been an Adventist, but she hopes to learn little by little. End

Guest_Elyna : C
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Guest_Elyna : We would like to sing a song or two in praises to Yah and also Peter is here I hope he will say hello. If not that is ok.

[Guerline and the children sing a couple of songs over Skype]

Guest_gadriel : Amen. Glory to YAHshua :)

Zahakiel : Ok, thank you for sharing those songs, Sis. Guerline.

Guest_Elyna : :)

Zahakiel : Well, "Amazing Grace" is a good song on which to end the meeting :) I will ask pastor, then, to close the study, and our Feast meetings, with a prayer.

Guest_gadriel : Thank you Sis. Guerline and children

Guest_Pastor_Chick : OK, let us pray. Dear Father in Heaven. We are thankful for the great blessings we have received during this time of refreshing. May we take these blessings with us for eternity. Bless the remainder of this holy Sabbath day to your glory. In YAHSHUA's holy name, AMEN!

Lucan : Amen
Guest_Barb19217 : Amen!
Guest_Giselle : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Amen
Guest_Daphna : Amen
Guest_Elyna : Amen.
Guest_gadriel : Amen & Amen
Zahakiel : Amen

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