10-24-13 F.o.T Day 6 Lessons on Faith The Unconquerable Life

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10-24-13 F.o.T Day 6 Lessons on Faith The Unconquerable Life

Postby Adriel » November 2nd, 2013, 6:19 pm

Topic is: The Feast of Tabernacles 2013
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Day 6 Lessons on Faith The Unconquerable Life

Lucan : Sis. Barb, would you open with a prayer?

Guest_Barb :Yes. Dear Loving Father in Heaven. Thank you for bringing us together at this time to fellowship and learn how better to reflect your character to the world. We ask that your Spirit be with us - and with those that are not able to be with us in this meeting. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayer. In Yahshua's name we pray. Amen

Lucan : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Amen
Guest_Elyna : Amen.
Guest_Pastor_Chick : Amen.

Lucan : The chapter I opted for this morning is called "The Unconquerable Life," and actually, when I selected it I had it confused with an article we've published in the past called "The Winning Life." Since the Unconquerable Life is an extremely short study - even by my standards - I ended up merging those two into my summary. So, I'll be pasting a paraphrase / summary of what I got from the two studies and then we can move into the likely more lengthy section of comments and discussion.

Waggoner starts with the following verse: "In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness conquered it not." John 1:4, 5. The word “conquered” there is in some translations, and in the margin of others, for the Greek word that the KJV translates as “comprehended.” Some other connotations include “laid hold on, made one’s own, seized upon.” It can mean this physically, as in “conquered,” and mentally, as in “comprehended.” In this verse, “life” and “light” are used as the same thing; they are interchangeable. The life of Christ is the light of Christ. We have the life of Christ, and we have the light of Christ. Similarly, the concepts of “conquered” and “understood” are interchangeable. We know that those of the world cannot understand the things of God; the darkness cannot “comprehend” it. We know that the prince of this world cannot seize or overcome the life of Christ; the darkness cannot “conquer” it. So it is with us; the life that we live and the light that we share cannot be understood by the world, because they are of God, and the natural man cannot receive the things of God. They cannot be overcome by the world, because darkness is inherently incapable of overcoming light – it is a physical impossibility. Darkness is the absence of light; as soon as light exists, darkness stops existing. As soon as the life of Christ exists in us, sin stops existing. The darkness cannot overcome it.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Lucan : Christ’s life is eternal, and He gives us eternal life – eternal light. For all eternity, we have this life that cannot be overcome, this light that cannot be conquered. This is a much greater victory than even those we spoke of recently by Alexander the Great. Even Alexander suffered losses, setbacks, and the death of men in the process of attaining victory. His victories were not flawless; they were not without loss. This is why we are not conquerors; we are “MORE than conquerors through Him that loved us.”

We do not have Christ’s life, as though Christ were outside of us imparting His life to us from a distance. Christ is not separate from His Life. He is the Life, and He is the Light. We have Christ Himself for our life; that is the life that cannot be overcome, the light that cannot be conquered. What temptation can overcome the very presence of Christ? What difficulty of day to day life can conquer the Son of God? What pressure, what influence, what circumstance can overpower Yahshua Himself? If the life you have is not as unconquerable as Christ Himself, then the life you have is not Christ Himself. And if the life you have is not Christ Himself, then the life you have is not eternal – because He, and only He, has immortality.

If the life you have is as unconquerable as Christ Himself, then rejoice, because that life is eternal – it is without end. There will never come a day when the darkness will be able to conquer it in the slightest. You are unconquerable because Yahshua is unconquerable. Your victory is Christ’s victory. You cannot fail because He cannot fail. Nothing can take that life from you, because the life of Christ is His to lay down, and His to take up again – no man takes it from Him.

In matters of faith, you are Christ – He has made Himself your life, your character, your victory. You are identified with Him, and He with you. You are “one with Him.” He is without spot and without failure. Your life is thus without spot and without failure. Accept this; surrender to it, claim it, thank Him for it. And then go forward in this eternal, unconquerable life.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Lucan : That concludes my summary of the two articles. Does anyone have a comment?

Guest_Adriel : C
Lucan : Go ahead

Guest_Adriel : That was a powerful summary

Guest_Adriel : Lost the call completely...
Guest_Barb3777 : We are all going for now
Guest_Adriel : ok Yah Bless
Guest_Adriel : It was a wonderful chat
Guest_Pastor_Chick : Amen. :) I am so blessed to have the chance to see and talk with all of you.
Guest_Adriel : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Yes a true blessing. :)
Guest_Pastor_Chick : Thanks to all for your fellowship, prayers, and support in every way. :)
Guest_Pastor_Chick : YAH BLESS and bye for now.
Guest_Adriel : Your welcome :)
Guest_Adriel : Yah Bless :)

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