10-21-13 F.o.T. Day 3 Lessons on Faith Power of the Word

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10-21-13 F.o.T. Day 3 Lessons on Faith Power of the Word

Postby Adriel » November 2nd, 2013, 11:47 am

Topic is: The Feast of Tabernacles 2013
Welcome to The Feast!
Day 3 Lessons on Faith Power of the Word I & II

Guest_Naraiel : Hello, Good morning to all :)
Guest_Adriel : Hello :)
Guest_Pastor_Chick : Good morning :)
Guest_Barb : Good Morning :)
Lucan : Hello. :)

Guest_Naraiel : We are on the third day of the feast, and we will talk about the power of the word. Sis. Barb, Could you please open with a prayer? :)

Guest_Barb : ok. Dear Father in Heaven. Thank you for this time for us to meet together. Thank you for your presence with us. We ask for your blessing and divine enlightenment as we discuss the power of Your Word today. May we each learn something new from this study. In Yahshua's name we pray. Amen

Guest_Pastor_Chick : Amen.
Lucan : Amen
Guest_Elyna : Amen.
Guest_Adriel : Amen
Guest_Naraiel : Amen.
Guest_Peter_Jr_1516: Amen.

Guest_Naraiel : Today, I will share a review of the subject, the power of the word, with some comments included. (It will be a brief study) So, let's begin :)

The Power of the Word

The earth can bring forth vegetation only because of the rain, sun light and nutrients that our Heavenly Father provides. Without this, everything would fade and perish. So also is it with the life of man and the word of God. Without the Word of God the life of man is as barren of power and of good as is the earth without solid food, water and sunlight. But only let the word of God fall upon the heart as the showers upon the earth; then the life will be fresh and beautiful in the joy and peace of the Lord, and fruitful with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Guest_Naraiel : Worldly sources and fallen men have to acknowledge the following physical truth: "When a seed comes to rest in conditions suited to its germination, it breaks open and the embryo inside starts to grow. Roots grow down to anchor the plant in the ground. Roots also take up water and nutrients and store food. A shoot grows skyward and develops into a stem that carries water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant. The stem also supports leaves so they can collect sunlight. Leaves capture sunlight to make food for the plant through the process of photosynthesis." (Let me know when you have finished reading)

Guest_Pastor_Chick : Finished.
Guest_Adriel : Finished
Guest_Peter_Jr_1516 : Finished
Lucan : Finished
Guest_Barb : Finished
Guest_Elyna : Finished

Guest_Naraiel : When I pasted the quote above, I just identified an interesting word, I didn't notice before, but goes along with the study. Can someone tell me "which word" has caught your attention, to see if it is the same word, I noticed? (In the quote I have just pasted?)

Guest_Adriel : Photosynthesis?
Guest_Naraiel : no, :)
Guest_Adriel : Embryo?
Guest_Pastor_Chick : capture?

Guest_Naraiel : I will give you a hint. It is found here. "When a seed comes to rest in conditions suited to its germination, it breaks open and the embryo inside starts to grow. Roots grow down to anchor the plant in the ground. Roots also take up water and nutrients and store food. A shoot grows skyward and develops into a stem that carries water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant. The stem also supports leaves so they can collect sunlight. Leaves capture sunlight to make food for the plant through the process of photosynthesis."

Guest_Naraiel : sorry
Guest_Pastor_Chick : rest?
Guest_Adriel : Seed?
Lucan : Germination?

Guest_Naraiel : When a seed comes to rest in conditions suited to its germination, it breaks open and the embryo inside starts to grow.

Guest_Elyna : skyward

Guest_Naraiel : Yes. Rest. :) I will continue.... It is NOT YOU who are to do that which the Creator pleases. YOU ARE NOT TO SAY, after reading or hearing the word of God, "I must do that or I will do that". Tell me, does a flower or a tree try to act "like if they were" plants?

Guest_Barb : no
Guest_Adriel : no
Guest_Elyna : no

Guest_Naraiel : right. They are simply plants, and react naturally to the sunlight, rain, and nutrients for their growth and development, into fruitful and beautiful trees, because that's their nature, plants is what they are. "[My Word] shall accomplish that which I please", says Yah.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : Q

Guest_Naraiel : go ahead.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : Does that mean I can go back to bed and absorb this study naturally? END.

Guest_Adriel : A
Guest_Naraiel : go ahead
Guest_Adriel : no :)

Guest_Naraiel : If we continue with the study, we will be talking more about the new birth, than on learning processes, but in things of faith, do we need to understand what Yah's word says? Sometimes, children just follow and believe what our parents tell us. Once we accept His Word by faith, He will lead us to understand it, if we need help with that. I will continue :) let’s say, the new birth is a new creation made by Yah, with a completely new spiritual and codified DNA. :) That is, a new attitude, a new mind, a new heart, new words and actions that have complete control over the thoughts and feelings of the human flesh. You are to open the heart to that word, that it may accomplish the will of God in you. (Says Alonzo) IT IS NOT YOU who are to do it, but IT. "IT", the Word of God itself, is to do it, and YOU ARE TO LET IT. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you."

Guest_Barb : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Amen

Guest_Naraiel : "When ye receive the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe." Who are the only ones in whom can work the Word of God?

Guest_Adriel : A
Guest_Elyna : A
Guest_Naraiel : go ahead.
Guest_Adriel : Those who believe. Or have faith. End
Guest_Naraiel : Guerline?
Guest_Elyna : Same I was going say: the believer.

Guest_Naraiel : Ok. Right :) Thus it is the word of God that must work in you. You are NOT TO WORK to do the word of God: the word of God is to work in you to cause you to do. Let it work as plants and trees let it work in them, because of their nature. :) "[My Word] shall accomplish that which I please", says Yah. "Whereunto I also labor, striving according to his working, which worked in me mightily." The first Adam and Eve DID NOT WORK, but rested, in the Creation 7th day Sabbath before sin, which was their natural state. And NOW, after the New Birth, we are expected TO REST, and not work, as a natural state of the new creature. The word of God is self-fulfilling, and it works effectually in us the will and good pleasure of God. Do you have testimonies of the word of Yah working in you? (Short ones?) :) (Or summarized :) )

Guest_Pastor_Chick : (No, I only have long ones.) :)
Guest_Naraiel : :)

Guest_Naraiel : Yes, Yah's providences are connected to several things, like a chain of events. Does anybody, besides Pastor, have a long testimony to share?

Lucan : C (Not a testimony so much as a comment on the study)

Guest_Naraiel : Go ahead. Bro. Luke (Bro. Luke spoke in Skype)

Guest_Naraiel : So. We were saying, the word of God is self-fulfilling that it may work effectually in us the will and good pleasure of God. However :) We are not plants in the sense of simply absorbing everything we receive. Yahweh created us with "free will" and individuality.

Guest_Elyna : C
Guest_Naraiel : What's the only obstacle that will stop Yah's working in us?
Guest_Adriel : A
Guest_Naraiel : Are we expected only to sit down and rest like plants? Go ahead
Guest_Adriel : Our free will.
Guest_Naraiel : in which way? How can we stop Yah's word by fulfilling itself in us?
Guest_Elyna : A
Guest_Naraiel : by choosing to do what? Go ahead
Guest_Elyna : By choosing sin.
Guest_Naraiel : and what's sin? (In this context)
Guest_Elyna : Choosing self.
Guest_Naraiel : any other? :)
Guest_Adriel : Unbelief?
Guest_Naraiel : yes. If we don't believe something, we will not act upon it. Even when some people may say, intellectually they do.

Pastor chick made some comments in Skype

Guest_Barb : I am not understanding much of what Pastor is saying. Can someone summarize it here?
Guest_Adriel : I couldn't hear much of it either.
Guest_Elyna : Me neither

Lucan : He was saying that Jones tends to focus on theory more than practical application... Which is what a lot of "religious" people tend to do, and can lead to a lack of actual changes in the life. He said he agreed with Giselle's last statement. <End.>

Guest_Barb : ok, thanks
Guest_Elyna : :)
Guest_Elyna : C

Guest_Naraiel : Once we receive the Word, we are expected to act on it, because we are accountable to Yah to exercise our part. Go ahead, Sis. Guerline.

Guest_Elyna : I will have to go soon but the comment I had was about the plant... Even though the plant does not seem to human eyes, having something to do in their growth…in that they do not produce the substance of it…they, however have to shoot their roots to get the water…and stretch their leaves and stems to reach out for sun; it is the same for the believer. End.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Guest_Naraiel : yes, plants look for water, but not because they are conscious. They are not choosing to do it, but because they are programmed in a way to do that. That's their nature.

Lucan : C

Guest_Naraiel : Human beings instead are required to use their "choice and free will" to look for water. Like praying and studying Yah's word. I was using the plant example more in the same of doing things by nature, in the same way, a new creature it is expected to do things naturally, like walking by faith. Go ahead, Bro. Luke.

Lucan : I understood Sis. Guerline's comment to be saying it's their "nature" to put forth an effort...Which, I think is a reasonable comparison

Guest_Naraiel : Oh, yes. Nature is the other book of Yah :)

Lucan : I was actually thinking of photosynthesis when she mentioned the leaves and stems reaching out...The reason plants grow up against gravity is that they grow towards the light. They have to push through soil, push against gravity... Once they break through, they have to constantly be shifting their leaves towards the source of light if they want to survive. Plants might be mindless, but they aren't passive; how much more for us. :) <End.>

Guest_Naraiel : Right.
Guest_Barb : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Amen
Guest_Pastor_Chick : Amen.

Guest_Naraiel : That's why I was saying that plants do by nature what new creatures do by nature, and that is walking by faith, and faith always makes efforts to accomplish what they believe, thru Yah's power.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Guest_Naraiel : but plants, of course, don't make that effort in a conscious way. :) which is what Yah wants from us, as human beings, to serve Him with a reasonable service. Now, when I was reading Alonzo Jones’s study, I was feeling uncomfortable, because I was noticing he was focusing on theory only as pastor said. Like Yah's word "holds the sun and moon" without falling. What does that mean for us? We are today in a society that doesn't know how to do many things, like people from the past knew and did. Do we know how to work on fields? For example? Do we know how to grow food? (I mean the majority). How can parables of these things impact us, if they are not part of our experience, Will we receive the same impact, as someone who knows how to grow potatoes? Do we need to create new parables, in a language we can understand and experience? What do you think?

Lucan : C
Guest_Naraiel : go ahead.

Lucan : I think everyone is relatively familiar with the sun and moon... :)

Guest_Naraiel : :)
Guest_Adriel : :)

Lucan : Yahshua did tailor his parables to what the audience knew, and I've sometimes found value in that. I've usually used a flashlight to explain Mrs. White's relation to the Bible, for example. There's probably some computer parables or something that could be made. I don't think there's a problem with the ones we have, however... It's easy enough to understand the basics of how plants operate. :) <End.>

Guest_Naraiel : right. We know the processes of how things work.
Guest_Barb : C
Guest_Naraiel : go ahead.

Guest_Barb : I agree there is nothing wrong with the existing parables. I also think that for some people it is beneficial to reword them in terms of what they have around them or experience. End

Guest_Naraiel : Well, I am not talking parables have something wrong, but would the impact be the same on someone who doesn't know how to care for a field, and harvest it, as someone who does?

Lucan : C

Guest_Naraiel : if they listen a parable about fields. :) Go ahead.

Lucan : As far as I know, no one in the Church could actually tell you. :) I don't think we have anyone who knows how to care for and harvest a field. We do understand the parables, however. Do you feel that your understanding of them is lacking due to not knowing how to harvest? <End.>

Guest_Naraiel : well, the harvest is an example, I am not focusing on the harvesting per se. This is something I have been thinking about; it's not a conviction yet, that the impact of grasping something may not be the same for the person who is not familiar with specific examples in their personal lives. That's all. :)

Guest_Barb : Here in Uganda I notice that many of the parables are more meaningful and relevant - because people DO dig their own fields by hand, plant and harvest by hand, etc. End

Guest_Naraiel : right. I mean that, what I am saying is something that is not "strong concept" yet. I am not sure how to explain it; just a thought.

Guest_Adriel : ok

Guest_Naraiel : Well, about the power of the word. I will conclude with the following chart, let me know if my understanding is accurate.

Guest_Naraiel : http://www.trueremnantchurchofyah.info/ ... ofword.png

Guest_Pastor_Chick : On first look, the chart is true.
Lucan : What does "Spiritual creation days later" mean?

Guest_Naraiel : Well, Yah created on the first days 1-5 physical creation, and on the last days, 6 and 7, Yah created a human being, made of flesh and Spirit and the Sabbath day, which it was suppose to point out to daily Spiritual Rest.

Lucan : Oh, so "physical creation" wasn't talking about man's physical creation? Okay, I think I get it. :)

Guest_Naraiel : it is referred more to man as a spiritual being, and the Sabbath as a spiritual blessing.

Guest_Adriel : It seems to me though that it should be talking about mans creation.

Guest_Naraiel : perhaps the wording is not accurate.
Lucan : I think the idea presented is accurate.
Guest_Adriel : I agree.

Guest_Naraiel : Well, we know the theory of the Power of the word. That's why I was asking for testimonies about how that truth becomes a reality in us. And Pastor said he had only long ones. Has somebody claimed promises that have become a reality, in other words? For example.

Guest_Adriel : yes
Guest_Naraiel : go ahead. :) (We will conclude with Jody's testimony)

Guest_Adriel : Well for one, I believe the promise Yahshua gave of knowing the truth and it setting us free, and being led into all truth was fulfilled when He led me to this church. :) End

Guest_Naraiel : anyone else :)

Guest_Adriel : I have another more recent one...

Guest_Naraiel : thank you Sis. Jody. Yes, I wanted to hear a more recent one :)

Guest_Adriel : It is involving my daughter who is in the world. I have prayed for my children and others in the world that somehow they would be able to see Yah's love for them and be led to believe in Him. (I'll try and make this short) My daughter is currently unmarried, but loves the person she is with (and he loves her), and I do think they will get married at some point. Anyway, she is the most unopen to spiritual things of my children. So, she told me of an experience when she was at home. First she told me that she was pregnant, and that she was happy about it because they had been trying. Then she told me that she was resting on the couch and had decided to go out and have a cigarette. But she didn’t. Then a little later she was going to go out again, but didn’t. Then a third time she was going to go out and she said to me “mom, have you ever had a time when you heard a voice in your mind and it wasn’t yours?” I said yes. Well she went on to tell me that the third time the voice said “you need to quit smoking, because I’m going to give you what you want”. So I asked her “what do you want?”. And she said “A girl”. So I went on to tell her about my prayers for her, and that I felt Yah was showing her his love for her. What do you think?

Pastor_Chick : I believe YAH loves everyone equally...What He chooses to give to one, He may not give to another. He tries "a thousand ways" of which we are not aware to save the lost. If this "gift" of a child will WIN your daughter, He knows and He will do what He will to draw her to Himself. END.

Guest_Adriel : Amen. That's what I was thinking.
Guest_Adriel : Thank-you End.

Guest_Naraiel : It would be nice to receive by email some testimonies of some spiritual victories that we have had, recently, when we have claimed the promise of Yah. Sis. Jody, Could please close with a prayer?

Guest_Adriel : Yes, Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank-you for Your Word, and the power of it. We thank-you that we are learning daily to apply it to our lives, and we ask that You continue to show us how to apply it more. We also ask for Your wisdom as we share the parables and that you continue to inspire us with present day applications. We are grateful to you for this feast and the added blessing of being able to see and communicate with one another in real time. :) In Yahshua's precious and holy name we pray Amen

Guest_Barb : Amen
Guest_Pastor_Chick : Amen.
Lucan : Amen
Guest_Peter_Jr_1516 : Amen.

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