4-25-14 The Gift of Understanding (LR6-1)

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4-25-14 The Gift of Understanding (LR6-1)

Postby Adriel » May 4th, 2014, 11:33 am

Topic is: The Gift of Understanding
Happy Sabbath - Please see room details at http://csda-adventistchurch.to/chat.html

Zahakiel : Well, let's go ahead and get started. Bro. Luke, please offer an opening prayer.

Lucan : Dear heavenly Father. We thank you for the relationship you have given us; both with you and one another. We are grateful for the opportunity to reach out to others, and bring them into the bonds of fellowship with you and your Son. We ask that your Spirit be with us as we come together in one spirit, to praise and learn of you. In Yahshua's name we pray, amen.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : Amen.
Barbli : Amen
Zahakiel : Amen.
Guest_Peter : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Amen
Elyna : Amen.
Guest_Daphna : Amen
Naraiel : Amen

Zahakiel : Happy Sabbath to all. We have just come from the Feast of Unleavened Bread, meeting with the brethren daily all across the world through the Internet.
I was particularly blessed that, instead of having one “teacher,” each of us led a session, each of us participated in guiding a meeting, and I truly believe that this is how all our feasts must be from this point forward.

There is time to learn doctrine, but the feasts are also a time of blessing, rejoicing and outreach, and they are a time of training, to prepare us for the evangelism that must take place in full force before the end shall come.

I was blessed by the feast in a number of ways, actually, and I would like to apply the things that I learned, or that I realized, to our weekly meetings. As I mentioned, and I pray that it works out as it was intended, the Friday night meetings are open to any member to lead. While I will have something prepared in the event that I receive no notice, I will weekly look forward to hearing someone say, “I would like to address the Church with something I have been learning.”

In addition, whereas before I would ask if anyone has comments or questions, what I would like to do, in addition to that, is suggest a question myself if nobody has one, so that we can always benefit from at least a brief discussion of the subject, or some related principles.

But what we need, brethren, is a deeper level of understanding. That is what I want to talk about tonight.

Continuing on where we left off before the feast began, I did go over the sixth Letter to Rachel this week, at least the first part of it... they are getting rather lengthy, and when Jody records them in audio, I am going to suggest that she releases multiple short chapters, rather than a few long ones.

Zahakiel : In essence, then, the audio version WILL have more than just eight parts,

Guest_Adriel : (ok)

Zahakiel : but each part of the last few will correspond to a portion of one of the text documents.

Now, in this sixth letter, I began by saying that, once Christ has defeated Satan for our sakes on the cross, it is the role of the living to “choose sides,” to decide between righteousness and sin, life and death, faith or destruction.

Instead of taking a “historical” approach to the Bible, as I had in the previous few letters, I now begin to introduce the teachings that Yahshua left us with through His doctrines, including those that exist now only within the Adventist understanding.

I explained that, with the “history” behind us, of the conflict in Heaven, the Old Testament, and the Gospels, we can now put into proper context the Bible’s teachings – the way it is applied to our lives.

This is actually quite important, and the Bible itself is set up that way. It begins with history and genealogies, but it ends with teachings and prophecies, although there is quite a bit of overlap by necessity.

The history exists to tell us “why” the teachings exist. Consider, Paul asks in one of his doctrinal epistles, “Wherefore then serveth the Law?” Why does the Law exist?

The Law does not make anyone righteous by its existence or by our obedience to its precepts. The Law does not forgive us for our past sins, or prevent us from committing future transgressions. The Law does not provide us with any spiritual blessings beyond the direct effects of its causes (e.g., if you don’t steal, you won’t go to jail). Those who rely on the Law, thinking that by it they will gain favor with Yahweh, are “cursed.” (Gal 3:10)

So why do we have a Law? What good are lawful works if indeed “the just shall live by faith?” (Verse 11) Paul immediately gives the answer and it is based on the “history” that came before the teaching: “Wherefore then serveth the Law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.” (Gal 3:19)

This is something we ought to learn, if we are to become effective last-day evangelists. Why serve the Law? It is because the Law tells us what transgressions are. The Law tells us what righteousness is, and until Christ came, to write the will of His Father on our hearts, that was the way that the difference between the holy and unholy was revealed to mankind.

It is still the case that the Law can correct our perceptions, and guide our consciences. This is the “lawful” use of the Law that Paul declares to be “good.” (1Tim 1:8)

But the point here is that the only reason the doctrines of Christianity, and the teachings of the Church, have any real value and purpose is because of our history. We were created in the image of Yahweh to be “like” Him in some fundamental ways. Sin corrupted our individual selves, mankind as a whole, and even the nature of our planet. Yahweh raised up a people to prepare themselves for His Son, and when that Son came, He was rejected, abused, and slain, taking upon Himself the weight of our sins.

Because of all this, the things that we teach, of righteousness by faith, of victory over sin, of keeping days holy, of keeping the body under subjection with regard to appetite, of having honesty, integrity, open communication, unity, and all those wonderful topics that we reviewed during our feast meetings... The only reason these things have value is because of what Yahweh has done for us in the past, therefore – more important than the individual doctrines themselves – the most important thing is to “know” the Father and Son, for this is everlasting life, as John records the Master Himself as declaring.

Some individuals have difficulty understanding doctrines, and the principles behind them. Some, even of members, have had difficulty grasping concepts that lead to good judgment, prudent speech, a commitment to agreement before actions that affect the Body, and so on. But it is not, despite the common reasoning, because of a lack of study of doctrine.

In the sixth letter to Rachel, I begin to show her that, because of what Yah has shown us in the past, of Himself, and of ourselves, the Bible’s doctrines make sense: the Sabbath, the state of the dead, etc.

But it is not critically important, for this purpose, to memorize the Scriptures, or to be able to quote from them at length. These are good disciplines, and potentially useful to practice, but like any “work” they do not justify the soul, or lead to everlasting life.

What is important is understanding. An individual with “understanding” after the Biblical order does not need to study the Bible for hours on end for righteousness’ sake. I am not saying the individual won’t do this, but it will be to see the “hidden treasures,” not to learn the basics over and over again.

There is a misunderstanding in some Christianity that the act of reading the Bible enough, or often, will make one a better Christian. As we who teach victory know, there is no such creature as a “better” or “worse” Christian. This is a works-based religion, and a falsehood.

The Bible is one of the ways that an individual comes to know, and fall in love with, and accept, the Father and Son. This may also occur through the victorious testimony of another person, for many were converted, such as in the first centuries, who never saw a Bible or held the holy scrolls.

Now that we have it, it is an invaluable gift, but consider why it is that we study it. Someone who has “understanding” only has to be told the truth once. Let me say that again. Someone with no understanding, no knowledge of the Father and Son, may study the same things, the same verses, the same chapters, time and again, each time (perhaps) hoping to “really learn it.”

But someone with understanding only needs to read it once, and they will say, “Ah, that is how it is.” And then it becomes a part of them... forever.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Zahakiel : Studying, of course, will refresh us on the details, and perhaps make clear something that was missed the first time... revealing new light, as we say, but the principles of the Word are already inside us.

Let me also say THAT again, because it is perhaps the most important thing I want to say tonight.

We do not read the Scriptures in order to gain the principles of our faith. If we are born again, every principle in the Word, every principle that could ever be learned from it, or calculated or figured out from its words, is already inside of us. This is, to me, an exciting truth.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Zahakiel : The learning that comes through personal study, group studies such as this, sermons and teachings... this learning is designed to awaken something that already exists in you from the moment you are born of the Spirit – the details, the specifics, of your life, the perfect life of Christ.

Remember, the seed that is planted by the Son of Man is perfect at every stage of development, even as it matures. If you accept that by faith, if you know that to be true, then, you will become a teacher of others, as the Word tells us we are. You will not always be trying to “learn the truth.” You will know the truth, and the Word becomes a support for what your spirit already understands because of our relationship with the Father through the Savior.

Guest_Adriel : Amen
Naraiel : (Amen)

Zahakiel : This is what is meant, when we say that the studies can only do so much, we must “walk the faith.” We must step out on what we know, and let the world teach us through its response to our love.

When I began to present the doctrines to Rachel in these letters, which I hope will shortly be presented to the world again through the recordings, it is not just a matter of, “Let me convince you that the dead know nothing,” or “let me prove to you that the Sabbath is really from Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset.”

These things are important, of course, but they are only important, they are only relevant, because of what they say about our Father, and our relationship to Him.
The doctrine of the state of the dead is important BECAUSE Yahweh has appointed a time for judgment. Dead relatives do not try to guide us to the truth from beyond the grave, and even the most wicked mortal soul does not burn forever in everlasting torment.

These are all statements of doctrine, but they are also statements about the character of our Father in Heaven, which, if that very same character is not replicated in us, will do us no everlasting good.

The doctrine of the Sabbath is important, not because it is very important to Yahweh that we not buy or sell during a certain point of darkness and light... but because He has set aside that time to give special, necessary, blessings to His people, and to build a life-saving relationship between humanity and divinity.

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Zahakiel : The doctrine of the Godhead is important, because if one has a faulty understanding of the Holy Spirit, one cannot truly appreciate the born-again experience, and how faith and works are balanced. We are not possessed by a Spirit Person that forces us to righteousness, but rather (as we discussed during the latter sessions of the feast) the Spirit in us gives us righteous motivations, and the power of the divine, so that WE – by faith – accomplish perfect righteousness on the earth. There is a cooperation, not a taking-over, by those who are Spirit-led, and Spirit-filled.

So then, brethren, study the Word, and pray, but above all, pray for understanding. Pray that you will recognize truth when you see it and that, having seen it once, it becomes a permanent part of who you are in Christ Yahshua.

What you “understand” you will never need to “learn again.” Pray for wisdom, and as you pray, act wisely. The Law, and the Word, tell you what wisdom is, but do not think, “If I read enough, I will be wise.” The Bible says, “The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10)
Never be content to let ignorance be an excuse for error. We have the opportunity to know all righteousness, and a Holy Spirit to convict our consciences of truth.

Let us speak this truth as a part of our invincible testimony: “I know the Father and Son, and I do always those things that please Them, for I understand who They are.”

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Zahakiel : A more powerful statement of unity, of victory, of purity, there cannot be, and it is the word that comes out of our mouth that will defeat all the enemies of the Gospel that we bear.

Are there any comments or questions about tonight's study?

Guest_Adriel : C
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Guest_Adriel : Your comment about praying for the truth that becomes a permanent part of who we are... reminds me of the statement from Ellen White, about the sealing being the "settling into truth so that we cannot be moved " End

Zahakiel : That's interesting. I would probably have included that quotation if I had thought about it, but yes... it is the very same idea. If we "settle" into something, and are not moved from it...then it is permanent. And if we have the gift of spiritual understanding,

Naraiel : C.

Zahakiel : then we "get it" when we learn it, and it does not take months and years.... but like all creation, it is the work of an instant. Go ahead.

Naraiel : In other words, settling into the truth is an evidence of understanding. When I understand something, I am not easily moved to think otherwise. Unless there is new light for me to understand, not learn. Learning without understanding is not a blessing really. It is like accumulating information that is not processed. I like the expression of "eating the book". What does eating mean in the biblical context?

Guest_Adriel : A
Naraiel : go ahead.

Zahakiel : Right, and that is better than just being "convinced." That is just a matter of taking on an opinion, which can be changed to something completely different.

Guest_Adriel : Learning with understanding; making it a part of ourselves for our soul's nourishment. :) End

Naraiel : yes :)

Guest_eagle : Q
Zahakiel : Go ahead (if Giselle is finished?)
Naraiel : End

Guest_eagle : You said "if we have the gift of spiritual understanding"

› Guest_eagle has left the conversation.

Guest_Adriel : (calling)
Zahakiel : Ok

Guest_Adriel : Guest_eagle : If it is a gift, can anyone receive it who sincerely asks in prayer? End

Zahakiel : Understanding is a critical factor for salvation.... it is that settling into the truth, as Giselle and Jody pointed out.

Guest_Adriel : .... sorry there was more.

Zahakiel : So it would have to be "freely received," like anything related to salvation. Ok :)

Guest_Adriel : Guest_eagle : Most of us have different gifts. End

Guest_Adriel : Guest_eagle : C
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Guest_Adriel : She says that makes sense. Thank-you. End.

Zahakiel : Ok. Yes, there is a difference between this kind of gift and a "spiritual gift" like a talent. This is a foundational one for the relationship between us and the Father. Are there any other questions or comments?

Elyna : C/Q
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Elyna : An essential element to understanding is faith, if one does not have faith to believe, then they do not understand, so cultivating or accepting faith is important to understanding. When one has faith they may walk the talk, even though all is not made clear to them right away....

Guest_Adriel : Amen

Elyna : And I believe that is what Paul meant when he said to Timothy to "Study to show thyself approved" Do you want to expound on that verse and the one that says "they are ever learning but never come to an understanding of the truth"?

Zahakiel : Yes, let me address that. One needs to be careful about that mindset, because an excuse could be made for error, even sin, by saying, "I didn't understand it." I am not talking about, necessarily, the understanding of specific doctrines, but of knowing the Father and Son. That kind of understanding we receive when we ask for it, and of course we can only maintain it by believing we have received it... but it is not a process like sanctification. It is not that "understanding" of the Father and Son's character comes over time. That is something we accept, and then as we grow we explore it and see how it is perfected in us.

This is not what Paul was talking about when writing to Timothy. In that letter, Timothy was being appointed as an overseer of a Church, and at a young age. Paul was telling Timothy to become familiar with the Word, so that He could properly lead the congregation, to teach, rebuke error, etc.

So showing himself "approved" is often applied to being approved by Yahweh, and it can be seen that way in a sense... but being a good "studier" has nothing to do with salvation, once we have accepted Yahshua and been born again.
Does that clarify it?

Elyna : Yes, thank you for that.

Naraiel : C.
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Naraiel : I guess we would have to ask what people mean when they refer to study. For some people study means learning, and memorization, for other people it means comprehension and understanding. End

Elyna : C
Zahakiel : Go ahead.

Elyna : So, "understanding" is used here as wisdom as David says, "...I have more understanding than all my teachers".

Guest_Pastor_Chick : A
Zahakiel : Go ahead (if Guerline is finished)

Elyna : I understood the study to be saying so but did not see the deeper sense at first. End

Guest_Pastor_Chick : A better wording of that Scripture is... Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth. END.

Elyna : C/Q

Zahakiel : Yes, the context there is about being able to properly apply the Word. The whole section is about Timothy's work in the Church, and being equipped for it. Go ahead.

Elyna : Could we then take it as a personal admonishment, since we are individually called to become teachers of others and of one another when we are born-again? An obvious yes question :)

Lucan : A

Zahakiel : Well, sure. Adventists have traditionally (at least in my experience) used that as a verse to point out the importance of studying the Bible for everyone. It's valid, because we ARE all called to be teachers. Go ahead.

Lucan : I can't think of many admonishments in the Bible that aren't intended to be taken personally. The only other way to look at it is as a historical document to and about someone else, which is pretty much the opposite of the study's point as I understand it... I did a word search a moment ago after Pastor's comment, and found something that I think is interesting. The word "study" only occurs three times in the Bible, and for two of them, the base words don't have anything to do with intellectual exercises. They mean things like striving with ambition, making an earnest effort of something. It's usually talking about taking action in a firm and motivated way. The other one that is talking about studying, as in books and such, is saying its weariness.

"And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh." (Ecc. 12:12)

I think a good "understanding" to take from that is that, while reading and study is nice and good in its place, faith isn't well served by thinking about faith, but by acting on it. We don't advise people to have long Bible studies when considering conversion, but to "go and sin no more," to "take up your bed and walk." <End.>

Zahakiel : Right.

Elyna : Amen.
Guest_Adriel : Amen

Zahakiel : Guerline, you brought up the verse about "ever learning, never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." That is what we are talking about here. When we pray for, and receive, the understanding that is a part of the faith of Yahshua, we do not need a "long time" to learn something of any spiritual importance. When we are told, we know it. We settle into it, and then we live it out.

Naraiel : C.
Zahakiel : Go ahead.
Elyna : Yes.
Guest_Adriel : (Amen)

Naraiel : The world understands that true learning and understanding can't happen unless there is "a practical aspect" in that process. Things that are physically applied in our reality are the things that people understand better. Human beings by nature understand better by doing. End

Zahakiel : That is the "walking" of the faith :)
Guest_eagle : Amen.
Elyna : Amen

Elyna : C
Zahakiel : Go ahead

Elyna : That is exactly what came to me during the study Sis. Giselle and I experienced that today. We do act out what we know and understand. End.

Zahakiel : Right, and that also brings up the point that, Bible study, like any righteous "work" will certainly be a part of the born-again experience. One who loves the Father and Son will certainly want to learn all that is possible about Them, and study is a good way to do that, but the study, like keeping the Sabbath, and so on, is the result of the relationship, not the cause.

Elyna : Amen

Zahakiel : Someone can be introduced to the Father and Son by picking up a Bible and reading it, of course, just like Sabbath keeping can become a powerful witness of the Gospel, but it is the relationship, the sharing of the same Spirit, that converts, and that maintains one in the victorious life.

Are there any other comments or questions? All right, then I will ask pastor to close the study with a prayer.

Guest_Pastor_Chick : Dear Heavenly Father. Thank You for all that You give us in the package of salvation. May we exercise our gift of spiritual understanding daily by walking the faith of YAHSHUA. Bless this Sabbath Day according to Your good pleasure in the blessed and holy name of YAHSHUA, our LORD and SAVIOR, Amen!

Zahakiel : Amen.
Barbli : Amen
Lucan : Amen
Guest_Peter : Amen
Naraiel : Amen
Elyna : Amen!
Guest_Daphna : Amen
Guest_Adriel : Amen
Guest_gadriel : Amen, Amen
Guest_eagle : Amen.
kimberlykindhearted : amen

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