The Significance of Our Creation Seventh Day Adventist Name Evidenced


In 1991 we organized, employing the name “Creation 7th Day Adventist,” following inspiration breathed upon us from Heaven.  It was revealed that “Creation” needed to be added to our prior God-given name for the following reasons:  1) Many, even among SDA scholars and believers, were accepting the popular concept of “theistic evolution” which contradicts the Genesis account of creation in six literal days (and the young age of the earth),* 2) world calendar reform would eventually confuse the reckoning of the Bible Sabbath so that Sunday would appear to be the seventh day, and 3) the inclusion of “Creation” in the name further presents a rebuke to the Christian world that has compromised truth regarding the "power of God unto salvation." 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that "if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new."  With the employment of our "new name", the Bible Sabbath is clearly defined as the “Creation Seventh Day” instead of being tied to a particular day of the calendar week.

The following excerpt evidences part of the significance of the name YAH has given to His Body:  




Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph. D.,
Retired Professor of Theology, Andrews University


February 2004


. . .


Our Chinese Adventist members face a unique challenge in
sharing the Sabbath message, because in their calendar Saturday is
denominated as the sixth day (star cycle 6) and Sunday as the seventh
day of the week.  . . .

The deceptive Chinese calendar with Saturday as the sixth day
and Sunday as the seventh day was apparently introduced by the
Jesuits who evangelized China. The outcome of this deception is that
the average Chinese thinks of Sunday as the seventh day and calls our
Adventist church "The Sixth Day Church." As you can imagine, this
widely accepted deception makes it difficult for the average Chinese
to accept the Sabbath as the biblical seventh day.

The attempt to legitimize Sunday as the biblical Sabbath by
designating it as the seventh day of the week in calendars is
nothing new. Calendars published in Western European countries with
the days of the week given horizontally, usually show Monday as the
first day and Sunday as the seventh day of the week.

In recent years calendars with Sunday as the seventh day of
the week, have appeared also in the United States. In 1985 I bought
for $5.00 through Christianity Today, the following calendar that
boldly affirms "God[‘s] Seventh Day is Sunday."

. . .


* (Source:
Adventist Today heard from 121 science faculty members in Adventist colleges and universities.  The graph below shows the percent who selected each item as closest to their views. 

View graphical table. 

God created live organisms during 6 days less than 10,000 years ago. 43.0%
God created live organisms during 6 days less than 100,000 years ago. 19.0%
God created over an unknown period within the last 100,000 years. 6.6%
God created first life millions of years ago and guided its development. 18.2%
Life shown by fossils evolved for bilions of years by natural means. 3.3%

God created the first human beings less than 10,000 years ago. 44.6%
God created the first human beings less than 100,000 years ago. 26.4%
No one knows when God created human beings. 16.5%
Humans developed over millions of years with God's guidance. 6.6%

Bible is the actual word of God, to be taken literally word for word. 1.7%
Bible is God's word with human thought forms and perspectives. 92.6%
Bible is ancient book of myths, history, and moral precepts. 4.1%

Most fossils result from the world-wide, Biblical flood. 64.5%
The Bible flood took place only in the near East. 21.5%
The Bible story of the flood reflects a myth. 5.0%

Life represented in the fossil record was created by God. 23.1%
Some forms in the fossile record were created by God; others evolved 33.1%
Some fossilized forms created by God, others are Satan's attempts. 15.7%
Fossils show life God created and then guided as it evolved. 15.7%
Neither God nor Satan made nor guided life shown in fossils. 6.6%

Comments on Calendar Reform

Wikipedia Article on Days of the Week

The Start of the Week

The International Organization for Standardization, in ISO 8601, defines the week as being Monday to Sunday; Emory, ISO Calendar refers? The British Standards Institution agrees, as do European Standards. The beginning of the Book of Genesis also has the day of rest as being the seventh day.

Many British calendars and diaries use Monday as the start of the week; but some still use Sunday.

Traditionally, at least for the English, the week started on Sunday, the Holy Day. Note also "Mittwoch" for Wednesday in German. Others have different Holy Days, perhaps at the end of their week, but generally occurring on the English days Friday or Saturday, and with their own choice of starting and finishing times. The Christian use of Sunday was established by the Emperor Constantine in AD 321.

A reverend friend has written decisively to the effect that Jews and Christians have always agreed that the seventh day of the week is Saturday, although differing as to which should be the day of celebration.

There is a need for a secular, easy-to-use Global Calendar for the whole world; a calendar to catch up to the world that became a "Global Village" with the extraordinary changes of the 20th century, not to mention the changes to come in the 21st century.

By Miklos Lente
Toronto, Canada


I feel very strongly, from a Christian perspective, that Sunday should remain the first day of the week."

Response: Doesn't it say in the Bible that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th? And that is Sunday. Therefore the week starts on Monday.


The Calendar and Religion - Addressing the 7 Day Sabbatical Cycle


(Submitted by Jess from London, UK) “I have been a supporter of the 13 Month calendar since I was 14. My one reservation is the objections raised in the 1950s to stand-alone days by various religious groups who regard the sequence of the seven-day week as inviolable. To pacify them I suggest abandoning stand-alone days and reducing the ordinary year to 364 days, adding a leap week where necessary. A calendar of this type was used for centuries in Iceland.”



(Submitted by Greta from Ohio, U.S.A.) “The Gregorian Calendar is religious and Catholic. Most people in the world aren’t Catholic, so the calendar doesn’t apply to their beliefs. People would be able to keep time in their own religious calendars for personal reasons if they wanted, but convert dates to keep everything official internationally standardized.”



(Submitted by Bill from Florida, U.S.A.) “Calendar improvement is such a SENSIBLE IDEA that it will happen someday. The chief stumbling block to calendar improvement is the belief by a few that they absolutely KNOW God’s law (…somehow…) and, in part, it is that we MUST have a Sabbath every 7 days. While this minority is so vocal in their objection and there is not a large off-setting popular opinion, politicians will not put their neck on the line for an idea that would lose them votes.”

Response: It all really depends on how much pressure the average people are able to exert on the politicians. But as you say, you are right – IT WILL HAPPEN SOMEDAY! Maybe not in our lifetime, but so be it. We are doing the groundwork and future generations will benefit from it and will be thankful to us.


(Submitted by Karl, origin unknown) “All four proposals require a modification to the week. This would in practice be hard to obtain, especially since many religious groups maintain a strict 7-day cycle for Sabbaths. One could have a leap week calendar where each year has either 364 or 371 days.”

Response: This could be a possible compromise, but not very appealing because the seasons would be moved constantly. Many societies follow their traditional customs based on their original local calendars. Like the Chinese, for instance, but their airline schedule is run by the Western calendar (Now here is a sizable group of people to help us). I think intelligent religious practitioners will find a way to adapt to the overwhelming majority of the world.


NOTE: The Creation Seventh Day ● Adventist Church does not endorse any particular type of calendar reform. The Sunday through Saturday order of the week is considered to be the proper weekly sequence of days. The comments posted here merely serve to demonstrate what notions are being suggested in our present secular society.