(Study 4-E)

We have seen that the Man Yahshua came to the earth; and that He was more than a Man, but a Human manifestation of Yahweh, the living God. He spent His life teaching about His Father and performing miracles, in order to fulfill the many prophecies about Him, and to give the people evidence of His divinity.

After He had spent three and a half years in public ministry, (Luke 13:31-32) He was delivered up to His enemies to suffer and die, taking the penalty of death which we had earned through sin unto Himself. But the story did not end there! According to the Scriptures, He was raised up as a "firstfruits," as a forerunner of all who by faith would believe in the Father's ability to save us, and to enter into that relationship He has been attempting to establish with us for so long.

But if Christ has been raised from the dead, where is He now? What is He doing, and how does this relate to our lives on earth today? That is the subject of this present study.

01) In what manner was Yahshua raised from the dead? (Luke 24:1-3, 24:36-43, 1Cor 15:44)
02) How long did He remain on the earth teaching His disciples after His crucifixion? (Acts 1:3)
03) What event brought this to an end? (Acts 1:2,9; Mark 16:19)
04) What office did He take unto Himself after coming to earth? (Heb 2:9,10,17,18; 4:14)
05) By what method did he obtain this? (Heb 10:20; Luke 22:19; Mat 26:27,28)
06) What was this position's connection to the Tabernacle of Yahweh? (Lev 16:30,33)
07) How was it done? (Lev 16:9,15,19)
08) Why was this procedure necessary? (Lev 4:13-17, 16:16)
09) What symbol of this did Christ give during His mission on earth? (Mat 21:12,13)
10) What was said of the earthly Tabernacle given to the Hebrews in the wilderness? (Exo 25:8,9,40)
11) What happened to the earthly Temple when the Messiah was crucified? (Mark 15:37,38; Luke 13:34,35)
12) Into what did Yahshua enter when He obtained His new office? (Heb 9:11,12; Psa 77:13)
13) Which individual saw this Heavenly building in relation to last day events? (Rev 15:5, 22:8)
14) In what way will Yahshua perform His sacred office in this building? (Heb 9:22-26)
15) What happened to the people who did not submit to having this done on their behalf? (Lev 23:27-29)
16) How many times will the Heavenly operation be performed? (Heb 9:12)
17) What promise was given to Yahshua's disciples the last time they saw Him? (Acts 1:10,11)
18) What will He say as He leaves His current office, just before He returns to earth as King? (Rev 22:11,12)
19) What is said of the judgment of those who will be alive when He returns? (1Tim 5:24, 1Pet 4:17)
20) What assurance to His disciples have concerning this pre-advent judgment? (Rev 7:1-3, Eph 4:30, 1Th 5:23; Eph 5:27; Eph 2:8; 1John 5:4)

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