(Study 4-D)

According to the Bible, we find that Yahshua is indeed the Messiah, or Christ that Israel - and all the world - has been awaiting. He was sent to show fallen humanity who the Father was, the loving Creator who has ever been seeking to enter into an eternal relationship with His free, intelligent creatures.

In this study, we will follow the course of His mission on earth to it's ultimate end. We will discover that the events surrounding this Anointed One two centuries ago was surely the most dramatic interaction that the Lord has had with us since the creation itself, and the fall of man.

01) What does the prophet Isaiah say about Christ's physical appearance? (Isa 53:1,2)
02) What was said of the second Temple that was rebuilt after the exile? (Hag 2:6-9)
03) How was this fulfilled in the mission of Yahshua? (Luke 4:16, 19:47)
04) In what way was Christ received by the people of His day? (Isa 53:3,4; John 1:10,11; Mark 3:6)
05) What did He say His mission would reveal to the world? (John 16:25-29)
06) Why is this important for humanity? (John 16:33, 17:3; 2Pet 1:3-4)
07) What great curse had come upon mankind because of Adam's sin in Eden? (Gen 2:17, Rom 5:12-14)
08) What does the Bible say that "sin" is?" (1John 3:41)
09) How was this situation to be corrected? (1John 3:5, 1Cor 15:22; Rom 6:23; John 3:16,17)
10) Can anyone earn favor with God apart from Christ, by doing good things? (Eph 2:8,9)
11) What then did Christ say was the relationship of good deeds to salvation? (John 14:12,152; Mat 7:16,18, 1John 5:3)
12) What does James say about those who claim to have faith in Christ, but do not naturally do the things based upon faith? (James 2:17-20,26)
13) For what reason was the Messiah brought to trial before the chief priests? (Mat 27:17,18)
14) What was the sentence pronounced on Him after He was handed over to the Romans? (Mark 15:9-12, John 19:17-19)
15) How did Yahshua's mission reconcile us to the Father in spite of our sin? (Isa 53:5, Rom 5:8-10)
16) Why was this extreme measure necessary? (Ezek 18:4; Exo 12:5,6,13; John 1:29, 1Cor 5:7)
17) What other Old Testament prophecy spoke of His death in order to redeem others? (Dan 9:26-27)
18) What occurred three days after His death? (Mat 28:1-8)
19) How important does the Bible say a knowledge of and belief in these events are? (Rom 10:8-11, 8:11)
20) In what way does this affect our lives today, and by what ceremony is it begun? (Rom 6:3-7,11; Gal 2:20)

Note1 In the Greek, the phrase "transgression of the law" is actually one word, "anomia," or "lawlessness," a state of rebellion to God's will. Note2 In the Greek, that word "keep" is actually "tereoate: you will keep."

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