CREATION: The Fall of Man
(Study 1-C)

Free will: the most precious possession that an intelligent being can have. For the cause of freedom, wars have been fought, and millions have endured suffering and death. The ability to choose for one's self was a necessary and most highly blessed part of the original, perfect creation. We have seen, however, how the abuse of this gift led to the rebellion of Lucifer, once the mightiest of the angels.

After the resulting war in Heaven, Lucifer - now called Satan - was cast down to the earth, as is declared in both prophecy (Rev 12:9) and the Gospels (Luke 10:18). The purpose of this was to give the fallen angel a chance to "walk to and fro" upon the earth (Job 1:7) and reveal his true nature - a wicked and unrepentant spirit - unto the watching universe. But what about man? How would the newly-formed being, created in the very image of Yah (Gen 1:26) react to the responsibility of this great freedom? The answer to that question can be found all around us: in the decaying and dying world - in the violence and discontent of its inhabitants. How is it that we came to this dark place? What went wrong?

01) What restriction was placed upon Adam in Eden, and what would be the consequences of disobedience? (Gen 2:16-17)
02) What creature spoke to Eve near the Tree of Knowledge? (Gen 3:1)
03) How did its words contradict what Yah had said? (Gen 3:3-5)
04) How was Eve affected by this brief exchange? (2 Cor 11:3)
05) What did she do as a result? (Gen 3:6)
06) What change came over Adam & Eve after eating the fruit? (Gen 2:25; Gen 3:7)
07) How did their actions cause them to react to the Voice of Yah? (Gen 3:8)
08) Who did Adam blame for his transgression? (Gen 3:12)
09) Who did Eve blame for the incident? (Gen 3:13)
10) What was the tempter's purpose for causing this event? (Luke 4:6-7, John 14:30)
11) What did Yah say to the serpent? (Gen 3:14)
12) What promise was given to mankind even at the very time of disaster? (Gen 3:15, Rom 16:20)
13) What did Yah say to Eve? (Gen 3:16)
14) What did Yah say to Adam? (Gen 3:17-19)
15) What happened to the pair as a result of their fall? (Gen 3:22-24)
16) What were the names of Adam & Eve's first two sons? (Gen 4:1-2)
17) What happened between the brothers? (Gen 4:8)
18) Why did this take place? (1 John 3:11-12)
19) What happened to Cain as a result of his sin? (Gen 4:11-16)
20) Who was born to Eve in order to continue the line of faithful humans? (Gen 4:25-26)

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