New Moon Meeting: August 2006, 3:10 EST
The Politics of Chaos



Zahakiel: Luke, please offer an opening prayer.


Qinael: Our most holy and loving Father,


We thank you for your blessings to us in this month past. We thank you for this day you have set aside for Your service, for Your children to come together ever closer in unity as we more fully reflect your character in our lives.


We thank you for your involvement in each one of our lives, that so great and mighty as you are, you have seen fit to guide us each step by step, both as individuals and as a people.


We pray now for your Spirit to attend to this meeting and those present, so that all hearts may be open and receptive to the Word you have for us today. In the name of Yahshua we pray, amen.


Zahakiel: Amen.

Pastor “Chick”: Amen.

Rita: Amen.

Gadiel: Amen.

Barb: Amen.

Kimberly: Amen.

Guerline: Amen.

Happy Rock: Amen.

Kevin: Amen.

Jen: Amen.

Naraiel: Amen.


Zahakiel: We have a lot to cover today :)  Today’s topic is perhaps one of the more relevant and current that I have prepared recently, at least in regard to the health and progress of those who have already become members of the CSDA Church.  Anyone can benefit from the principles we are going to discuss, of course, but what I propose here is a “diagnostic tool” of sorts to directly identify various attacks of the type that Satan has been recently employing against the Woman in these last days.


Some have asked, “How is it that you claim the CSDA Church is the one and true Church of Christ, when it is so small?”  Scripturally, we know that the last days will be so wicked that only a relative handful will be saved.  The last days are compared to the days before the Flood, “wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.” (1Peter 3:20)  Satan has been working very hard to put people into a spiritual sleep.  Technology and knowledge of the material world may be currently as high as it has ever been since the Antediluvian age, but there is a great famine in the land for the Word of Yahweh. (Amos 8:11)  Constantly, our spiritual enemy levels attacks against the Church, and we should not be surprised at this, for we were told that “the dragon was wroth with the Woman, and went to make war with the remnant of Her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohim, and have the testimony of Yahshua the Messiah.” (Rev 12:17)


Zahakiel: Because we are going to be dealing with current matters, some who are present, or who may read the transcript thereafter, may be tempted to feel condemnation if they see in themselves some of the defects we are going to look at, particularly when realize that these defects are being used by the demons to make the work of the saints more difficult.  My counsel to these would be not to feel condemnation, but to feel conviction.  If any of us see, in ourselves, that we have been used by the enemy of souls in any of the six ways we will examine in this New Moon meeting, we must not become discouraged, but seek to reform our practices, so that we can help to build up, not tear down or manipulate, the system that the Almighty has put in place. The words are written for such as these, “godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of; but the sorrow of the world worketh death.” (2Cor 7:10)  If there be any sorrow, then, let it be of the godly sort.


Rita: Amen.


Zahakiel: Now, I have written a book on exorcism that many of us have already read, and this naturally deals with casting demons out.  I have not, however, said very much about dealing with them while they are still IN people.  As I stated in the book itself, with the continued degeneration of the human race and the increased understanding gained by our spiritual enemies, exorcism is not as simple a matter as it once was.  Two thousand years ago, you could easily identify someone who was influenced by demons; most of the world was “religious” in one form or another and, particularly among the Israelites, the demons had a hard time staying hidden.  Furthermore, if various ones were indeed possessed, they would not WANT to be possessed; societal pressures alone, if nothing else, would make it a most undesirable condition.


Nowadays, many people do not even believe in the validity of the condition, and fallen spirits have become more adept at hiding their presence.  We of the Church, who have the faith of Yahshua and spirit of prophecy, may be able to identify their works, but casting them out is another story… for so entrenched may the spirits become that it would take a deliberate, conscious choice on the part of the victim to help the prayers of the saints cast the devils away.  With sin so all-consuming in the world today, in other words, Satan has more claims than ever over the sons of men, and we often have to deal with demons for a time (indirectly) in order to help the afflicted individuals see their true condition and seek healing.


There is precedent for this in the Scriptures.  In fact, it appears very early on in the record Yahweh has provided for us.  We read, “And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle.” (Exo 12: 37, 38)


Zahakiel: Adventists have the benefit of further insight into the activities of this mixed multitude, and we may read from inspired commentary.  I will post these and give you all a chance to read them:


“In this multitude were not only those who were actuated by faith in the God of Israel, but also a far greater number who desired only to escape from the plagues, or who followed in the wake of the moving multitudes merely from excitement and curiosity. This class were ever a hindrance and a snare to Israel.” [Patriarchs and Prophets, page 281]


“After three days’ journey open complaints were heard. These originated with the mixed multitude, many of whom were not fully united with Israel, and were continually watching for some cause of censure. The complainers were not pleased with the direction of the march, and they were continually finding fault with the way in which Moses was leading them, though they well knew that he, as well as they, was following the guiding cloud. Dissatisfaction is contagious, and it soon spread in the encampment.” [Patriarchs and Prophets, page 377]


“The mixed multitude that came up with the Israelites from Egypt were a source of continual temptation and trouble. They professed to have renounced idolatry and to worship the true God; but their early education and training had molded their habits and character, and they were more or less corrupted with idolatry and with irreverence for God.” [Patriarchs and Prophets, page 408]


“Satan, the author of disease and misery, will approach God’s people where he can have the greatest success. He has controlled the appetite in a great measure from the time of his successful experiment with Eve, in leading her to eat the forbidden fruit. He came with his temptations first to the mixed multitude, the believing Egyptians, and stirred them up to seditious murmurings.” [The Signs of the Times, August 12, 1880]


“God saw that the children of Israel, especially the mixed multitude, were continually disposed to rebel, and by their works, provoke him to destroy them. He knew that they would murmur against their leader, when in difficulty, and grieve him by their continual rebellion. He therefore proposed to Moses to consume them, and make of him a great nation. Here the Lord proved his servant.” [The Signs of the Times, May 13, 1880]


Zahakiel: Say when you are finished.


Qinael: Finished.

Rita: Finished.

Jen: Finished.

Pastor “Chick”: Finished.

Naraiel: Done.

Barb: Finished.

Gadiel: Done.

Happy Rock: Ok.

Guerline: Ok.

Kevin: Done.


Zahakiel: We can document these things in the words of the Bible itself, in such places as these: “And the son of an Israelitish woman, whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the children of Israel; and this son of the Israelitish woman and a man of Israel strove together in the camp.  And the Israelitish woman’s son blasphemed the name of Yahweh, and cursed.” (Lev 24:10, 11)


“And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting; and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, ‘Who shall give us flesh to eat?’” (Num 11:4)


Recent events have led me to understand that we need to be able to deal directly with the temptations that come into and surround the Church via those influenced by the world and demons. We cannot avoid these people, for they are the very ones we are seeking to educate about eternal life.  As this is a relatively new area for me, I did some study and came up with the above quotes and some more verses and passages that aided my understanding.


The above statements from the Bible and Ellen White provide a good basis for understanding what we are discussing today. We see that there will be connected with the people of Yahweh a multitude that is “mixed” in its faith.  Those of this class are spiritually minded to some degree, or they would not think to join themselves to the Remnant; but at the same time they are influenced by a particular kind of idol – the Idol of Opinion, and we will break that down further as we go along.


Zahakiel: From the quotes above we discover that those who are constantly speaking, murmuring, whispering against the leaders of the Exodus (from Egypt in that case, and from worldliness and sin in these last days) are largely motivated by demons.  Whether or not they are totally possessed, as I describe in some of my other writings, is immaterial to the fact that they can and do bring temptations upon those seeking Heaven.  They are agents of Satan whether or not they realize it, whether or not they mean to be.  Because they may be doing some of these things in relative ignorance (at least before this study) Yahweh does not immediately remove them from the Church, but seeks to have His people alert enough to deal with them, to teach them without facilitating the spirit that is motivating them, and perhaps save the human soul from the wicked spirit.


Further, just as Yah “proved His servant” Moses, as we saw in the last quote, so He allows us to deal with the afflicted in order to polish our own discernment and Christian strengths.


Are there any questions so far?


Qinael: I have none.

Naraiel: No.

Ye: No.

Barb: No.

Gadiel: No.

Guerline: None.

Kevin: No.

Happy Rock: No.


Zahakiel: I have decided to call this study “The Politics of Chaos,” because our antagonists are using politics in an attempt to bring chaos (Babylon, confusion) into the Church.  By politics, I refer to the general meaning of the word, “social relations involving authority or power,” [WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University] for as you will see this is precisely the method that Satan uses to corrupt a people.  He will use those whom he can influence, the murmurers and rebels, to remove or discredit the authority Yahweh has set up, and replace it with that which is of his own devising.


We have to be sensitive to the people involved here; we would not be loving individuals if we were not, but we have a responsibility to protect the Church also.  Now, we have to be careful with statements like that:)  This is what the Papacy said.  This is what the General Conference is saying... “We have to protect the Church!”  The words are perfectly right, if we are using spiritual and not carnal weapons.  Scripture tells us, “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3)  “Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the Synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen. And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.” (Acts 6:9, 10)


Zahakiel: There is a time and a place for rebuking, for contending, for discipline and even punishment – but we must always remember that demons cannot be affected by carnal weapons, and the most powerful “weapon” that we have is the vote to disfellowship an individual.  This has nothing to do with human laws, civil penalties, grudges, vendettas, or bias.  The moment we step into any of those things, we have signed away our contract with Heaven, and have become Lucifer’s politicians.  Politics in this sense is not a right use of wisdom, or divine appointment, it is an attempt to use people, and that by swaying opinions and attempting to have individuals look to the politician himself/herself for guidance, or to be their conscience.


The CSDA church is the most hated object on earth by demons and their human agents; we must, therefore, go through something like spiritual “boot camp” to prepare for the upcoming war.  You know that boot camp is not always pleasant; sometimes people want to quit... sometimes they do quit.  Sometimes people are expelled for misconduct.  The hours are long, and the exercises strain the very being. But an unprepared soldier is a dead soldier, and this is just as true in the spiritual world as in the material.  We must therefore, with this in mind, be prepared to speak directly (though it may cause some to wince) because some of these spirits are still around us today.  So let us speak directly.


There are six types of spiritual politicians we are going to look at today, members of a spiritually mixed multitude who are open to demonic influence, and I have prepared a simple chart that distinguishes them by purpose and tactics:



Zahakiel: Take a moment to look at it, and then let me know when you are ready to continue.


Jen: Finished.

Rita: Done.

Crystle: Finished.

Qinael: I am finished.

Barb: Ok.

Happy Rock: Ok.

Naraiel: Finished.

Kevin: Ok.

Ye: Ok.

Gadiel: Yes.


Zahakiel: Now of these politicians, there are two types by purpose: The Divider and the Tinkerer.  An Agent may seek to either divide, or unite under error/individual opinions by manipulating (tinkering with) doctrines and practices.  I cannot think of any other options than to unite under error or divide completely. What makes these dangerous is that they are both reflections of principles that are primarily good.  It is right to divide, if we are dividing from evil.  It is right to grow in our understanding of doctrines, and this may indeed alter our practices.  This is why we must be “wise as serpents,” to discover the errors, and “harmless as doves” to deal with the problem in a spiritual rather than worldly way. (Mat 10:16)


The Divider sets people against each other.  She plans a war, and will be the peacemaker, or the survivor, and thus have more power and influence over those that are left.


The Tinkerer thinks he has a better idea than the operating Body.  It is not bad to make suggestions, and we encourage honest input; but the Tinkerer abuses this freedom.  The episodes that result from the presence of such an individual are especially shameful when he or she is not even a member of the Church yet, thinks that there is a better way (known to the Agent) in which things ought to be run!


Qinael: So are the demon classes Divider and Tinkerer, or Isolationist, Publicist, Exhibitionist? I’m not sure which way the chart flows from that corner.


Zahakiel: There are 6 divisions... three methods and two objectives.


Qinael: Ah, got it. Thanks.


Zahakiel: These are the three operating methods: The Isolationist, the Publicist and the Exhibitionist approach.


The Isolationist works one-on-one; he approaches individuals with news, information, gossip, etc. about others.  It is true we may speak of individuals amongst ourselves in an attempt to help them, but the motive must never be to inspire doubt or fear.  The Isolationist seeks an open ear, and proceeds to fill it.  The Psalmist was concerned about those who use this method, writing, “All that hate me whisper together against me; against me do they devise my hurt.” (Psa 41:7)


The Publicist makes her opinions known as often as possible – in prayer meetings, by mass emails, during sermons, during fellowship time, one voice is consistently heard above the others.  A Publicist’s views on food, clothing, and so on are quickly known to everyone, whether or not they have asked.


“These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.” (2Pet 2:17, 18)  Wells without water appear deep, but they have nothing vital within; clouds that are carried away may promise rain, but leave the ground dry.  So it is with those who speak often of their own opinions… by their volume of words they may seem to have something worth saying… but they often leave their hearers parched.


Zahakiel: The Exhibitionist will make a conspicuous show of doing or not doing something in an attempt to get others to follow.  He is following a good principle, that actions often speak louder than words, but what he is loudly speaking is not of a sanctifying nature.  Here we find the legalist or the stereotypical Pharisee, straining out gnats or praying diligently… but making sure his windows are open first so he can be seen doing so from the street.  Yahshua warned against doing such things, saying, “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, ‘They have their reward.’” (Mat 6:5)


So we see that there are two objectives, and for each objective there are three methods of accomplishing it; thus we have 6 divisions.  Does everyone understand this?


Kevin: Yes.

Ye: Yes.

Barb: Yes.

Naraiel: Yes.


Gadiel: Do the methods often overlap?


Zahakiel: Yes, they can, as we shall see.



Now let us look at specific classes, with some Biblical examples to further clarify.  And keep in mind, as we go along, that these classes are offered only as labels to help us easily discuss… individuals may exhibit traits of multiple classes, or move back and forth between them as the opportunities to accomplish one of those two purposes permit.  So as Gadiel pointed out, they can overlap, and do so with some regularity.


Class A of the diagram identifies an Isolationist Divider.  Isolationists in general are difficult to detect, because they work with one person at a time.  They are, by nature, secretive, and may choose their words carefully.  Now, some of these individuals, as is the case with all those we will examine, may actually think they are being useful.  They may not be “bad” people in the conventional sense, but because they do not know the mind of Christ, their best intentions are not expressed in a useful way.  And worse, because Satan has some power over them, he would not readily lose a tool by allowing the Agent to be exposed, so the individual may be kept, by temptations and tempters, in a mental state within which rebuke and attempts at correction have little effect.


Zahakiel: Specifically, Isolationist Dividers are the gossips, the backbiters, and the murmurers; they are those who complain in quiet tones, but make sure they are whispering loud enough for at least one person to hear.  The Bible has much to say about this class within the mixed multitude:


“Neither murmur ye, as some of them [of Israel] also murmured, and were destroyed of the Destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples, and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” (1Cor 10:10, 11)


“All that hate me whisper together against me; against me do they devise my hurt.” (Psalm 41:7)


“A froward [perverse] man soweth strife, and a whisperer separateth chief friends.” (Pro 16:28)


That last one from Proverbs really gets down to what the Class A Agent is, one that separates friends, and sows strife.  Note the parallelism in both of the last two verses.  In the Psalms, those who “whisper […] against” a man “devise [his] hurt” (whether they believe they are doing so or not).  A whisperer is “a perverse man.”


Zahakiel: The problem with this individual is that the separation has lasting, and spiritually significant, consequences.  Look at what happened during the time of Yahshua’s ministry:  “And there was much murmuring among the people concerning Him, for some said, ‘He is a good man,’ others said, ‘Nay, but he deceiveth the people.’” (John 7:12)


How many of those who were coming to believe in Christ were turned away by the doubters who, for the love of some sin, rejected His teachings and led others to do the same?  The modern proverb says, “Misery loves company” and in a spiritual setting this is particularly true.


Kimberly: Something I noticed is that a lot of times the whisperer will whisper about the one who he wishes to incriminate saying, “your brother is the one who is trying to divide,” basically accusing the innocent of his own crimes.


Zahakiel: A sinner can find no better comfort than to convince himself that others are no better than himself… this is why carnal Christians hate the victory message so violently.  If a nominal Christian can see to it that others are as discontent or unregenerate as he is, then he can quiet, for a time, a burning conscience.


Only the Day of Judgment will reveal how many were turned away from eternal life because they listened to a whisperer.  Yes, there is responsibility laid on those who facilitate a gossip, this is true… but there is a particular woe declared “to that man by whom the offence cometh!” (Mat 18:7)


There are two things that must be done in order to deal with the Isolationist Divider.  The first is to deprive him of an audience by reproving him sharply for his actions.  There may be a temptation to feel sorry for the individual here… the reprover may seem (to one unfamiliar with the situation) to be treating the reproved harshly, and as most of us in the Church have indeed had to deal with an Isolationist Divider at one point or another, we have occasionally received this feedback from an uneducated onlooker.  The reason is that often the politician will come with what appears to be a legitimate complaint, something that perhaps sounds like a reasonable concern; the problem is that the complaint will be concerning someone else.  This is absolutely key, and bears repeating.


If someone comes to you with a complaint about someone else, to “discuss concerns,” or to “clear the air,” what should our first response be?


Jen: Send them to that person.


Ye: I agree.


Zahakiel: Right, we should say, “Why are you bringing this to me?”


Look at the next verse that follows the verse from John about those who whispered against Christ, “Howbeit no man spake openly of Him for fear of the Jews.” (John 7:13)   Whether they were for Yahshua or against Him, the reason they merely whispered, and did not declare things openly, was because of fear.  There is such a thing as prudence, yes – knowing when to speak and when not to speak – but if we have legitimate concerns we cannot let fear prevent us from bringing a matter to the appropriate person.


An individual who is too afraid to express his or her concerns about the individual acting in a concerning manner is not the one chosen by Heaven to fix whatever might need to be fixed.


Guerline: Amen.


Zahakiel: If the person who sees a problem has to get the support of others first, it shows that he or she is not confident enough in the received perceptions, and should think long and hard before mentioning it to anyone.  We, for our part, cannot facilitate the individual’s fears by listening to what is said beyond realizing there is a problem, and then directing the person to the appropriate ears.


The second thing to do is to follow Gospel Order.  It is written, “Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone.  If he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.  And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the Church; but if he neglect to hear the Church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.  Verily I say unto you, ‘Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’” (Mat 18:15-18)


Kimberly: It’s amazing how a person can be pulled into this without even realizing it... I really don’t think Satan wants us to know what motivation is behind these kinds of actions.


Zahakiel: Certainly.  And make no mistake, if someone is whispering about others, and bringing it to you, she is trespassing against you as much as them, for she is making you an accomplice in the sin.  Now, if we notice that an individual has a pattern of whispering about others, has a habit of speaking divisive statements about individuals, we then have the responsibility of taking that concern to him or her.


“Brother X, I notice that you often have concerns about this individual or that… have you understood the Scriptures that speak of the negative effects of whispering and murmuring?  Why do you not go to these individuals directly?”


The Isolationist Divider will often, at this point, attempt to gain sympathy.  “But brother Y, with whom I have the problem, is so unreasonable!  He is hard and stubborn, and will not hear me.”  We cannot let that pass for a split second, because it is simply another opportunity for the whisperer to vent the discontent.  We must say, “Then take a witness and go to him.”


Guerline: Amen.

Jen: Amen.


Zahakiel: You will notice, in all the cases we discuss today, that the spiritual politicians will attempt to avoid Gospel Order.  The Order given by Christ is perfect for keeping the Church pure, and therefore it is only by imposing it that these things can be revealed and overcome.  If we know of a whisperer, we must go to that person, then take a witness, and finally (if necessary) bring it before all the Church.  This is how you deal with the Class A Agent, because if this demon is exposed publicly, he will have nowhere to hide and will depart… the only question is, will the Agent stay, or choose to go with it?


Class B is the Isolationist Tinkerer.  This individual is always making “suggestions” about how the Church might be run smoother, better, more spiritually.  Unfortunately, these suggestions are never made at the appropriate times, because as a true politician, the individual is trying to get the support of the congregation, one at a time, before bringing it before the elder or pastor.


Zahakiel: What a thing for an elder to hear, “The congregation has decided that we should change the color of the sanctuary’s walls.” This is probably an exaggerated claim anyway; no CSDA congregation would engage as a whole in a discussion about the Church property without the appropriate parties present.  But the Isolationist Tinkerer will set things up so that when he or she makes a suggestion, there are several “on call” to whom he or she can point and say, “But this one agrees with me,” and “That one thinks it is a good idea also.”


The work is done in secret, because the Class B Agent has a deep-seated insecurity, a feeling that the ideas he presents will not be appreciated by the people “in charge.”  He will therefore first work among the ones with whom he is “comfortable,” or over whom he feels a sense of superiority, before approaching the leaders.  This is an extremely dangerous course of action, because Satan can easily turn that into an “us against them” mentality between the clergy and the laity.


Jen: I find it hard to believe these are traits of members of the body.


Zahakiel: Oh, they aren’t... we are dealing primarily with the mixed multitude.


If a baptized member sees one or more of these traits present, it is something to be confessed and forsaken immediately  :)


[Note: As pastor “Chick” pointed out later on, these things also apply to tares in the Body, not merely the mixed multitude who are “with,” but not “in,” the Church and members who perform such actions in ignorance.]


Guerline: Amen.


Jen: Of course.


Zahakiel: Now, how we deal with Class B takes some diplomacy.  We are told, “Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” (Col 2:6)  It is, in a sense, easier to rebuke a Divider, because it is obvious that she has something “against” a brother.  But with a Tinkerer, it is easier to disguise the discontent spirit under the cloak of genuine interest in Church affairs.  It takes real discernment here, because it is true that we welcome suggestions, and are always willing to learn.  Suggestions, indeed, are not bad, but when questioning an established doctrine it is best to ask something like, “Why do we do it this way?  I read in the Bible (or SOP) that it was done differently back then.  Do you have an explanation as to why there seems to be a difference?” This certainly demonstrates more respect for the knowledge and insight of the clergy than treasuring some secret (or not-so-secret) suspicion that they don’t know what they are doing.  There is an issue of trust involved here.


Ultimately, we know Christ is the one in charge of the Church; if someone has a truly beneficial concern, it will come from Christ and be spoken with His authority, and with His humility (this balance is instantly recognized by the true Christian).  If someone approaches us with a mind to fix or improve something, he or she must be asked, “Are you certain Yahshua has given you this insight, or is it merely a preference of yours?”  If the person has a conviction, then let them bring it before the Church without fear.  It will be received in the right spirit if it is presented in the right spirit, and only good can come of any discussion that follows.


Zahakiel: Second, Gospel Order must again be followed if we are dealing with a repeat offender.  That process is the same as for the Class A agent, and so we need say little more about that.  A “politician demon” loves popularity, but hates exposure, if you can grasp the distinction… and exposure is exactly what the Church is about.


Rita: Amen.


Jen: Whatever doth make manifest is light.


Zahakiel: “For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth) proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them, for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.” (Eph 5:8-12)


Class C is the Publicist Divider.  These are Satan’s hand grenades; they don’t last long, for they are either diffused quickly or cause a split between members in a short period of time.  The Class C Agent has a problem with someone, or some ones, in the Church, and will take every opportunity to make this known ... and in this and all cases, this is whether this person is actually a member or not.  Since this is obviously out of order, in a healthy Body the individual will quickly be censured, and – if he or she persists – disfellowshipped.  If a non-member, the individual will find his or her advances unwelcome, and will eventually find some less healthy body to infect.  Gospel Order, of course, will be administered swiftly, because an open complainer is like an open sore on the Body – ugly to look at and painful to touch.


On the other hand, because of the sudden shock of openly-aired complaints, those hangers-on who may have been harboring doubts of their own may be swept up in the drama of the situation, and fall away in the wake of the Agent’s own fall.  I recall one occasion, early in my membership, when a Class C Politician managed to disrupt the spiritual progress of three individuals – and without even being there in person, but by sending a well-timed letter.  Each of the individuals who fell away had their own issues, of course, because no one who is settled into the truth about Yahshua will ultimately be deceived by any spiritual politician.  The danger is primarily to those young in the faith, or those who would have eventually overcome their issues if given the opportunity.


Zahakiel: By the way, Gospel Order can be applied in a general sense to non-members also.  It may not be quite as formal an issue when dealing with non-members; but there are steps to take there also.  We are told not to keep company with those who continue to offend after two or three rebukes, and this can be applied to everyone.


The Class C Agent is quickly dealt with, almost automatically; the thing that must be done is to prepare for one of these grenades.  The way to prepare is to make sure that you, as an individual, are at peace with the Church and its members.  It is written, “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.” (Mat 5:23)  The doctrine of the New Moon is one such safeguard against the effects of a Publicist Divider; those who dwell in the love and happiness of the fellowship will not be shaken by the “accuser of the brethren” in any of his forms. (Rev 12:10)


This is the halfway point of our list and about 2/3 of the study.  Are there any questions so far?


Kevin: No.

Gadiel: No.

Qinael: I do not have any.

Ye: No.

Barb: No.

Rita: No.

Happy Rock: No.

Naraiel: No.

Crystle: No.

Guerline: No.



Zahakiel: Next we have the Publicist Tinkerer, the Class D Agent.  These are probably a little more rare than the Isolationist version, but they can be more of a challenge, since they may be more sincere in their attempts to “help,” not hiding their opinions but speaking up.  They appear to follow Gospel Order themselves, going directly to the leaders with suggestions for improvements, or trying to address the Church as a whole.  The problem is that they bring with them a chronic spirit of dissatisfaction that is easily detected, and that renders anything useful they might actually have to say practically useless.


It’s sort of like the ditch on the other side of the Isolationist road.


Class D is often not limited to doctrines and practices, but may seek to educate and improve the spiritual condition of the individuals around them also.  This is a kind of verbal officiousness, an offering of advice and suggestions when such assistance is not requested or desired.  The best way to deal with this kind of Agent is to meet him or her head on.  If an officious suggestion is made in public, it should also be answered in public.  “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.” (Pro 26:5)  We may say, as politely as possible, “Thank you, but that suggestion is not valuable, because…” and then give the reason.  If the Tinkerer persists, these replies may have to become more pointed, but as the responses began politely, those who are witness to the exchanges will understand the need for a repeated and escalating suppression of the Agent’s influence.


Zahakiel: It would be a mistake to try and confront a public matter in private, after witnesses are already involved. The spiritual politician will easily convert that into a situation where he or she feels (and tells others that) the rebuker is “against” the speaker, and the demon involved will then have an opportunity to become a Divider, either in a private or public setting.  It takes a measure of “holy boldness” to speak out against someone who repeatedly and publicly tries to “help” the minister with an authoritative or falsely-humble spirit, but we must be willing to risk the potential for being misunderstood and speak the truth in love.  We must also have enough faith in the discernment of the saints to realize that they, for the most part, will be as tired of hearing the constant suggestions as we are :)


Essentially, the Publicist Tinkerer tends to bypass making suggestions to individuals or two or three witnesses, when this would be the appropriate course of action.  By simply meeting them on the third stage of Gospel Order (public discussion) with the right spirit, therefore, this Agent can be quickly revealed and dealt with.


The Exhibitionist Divider, the Class E Agent, is an interesting one.  Though operating more overtly than the Publicist Divider, she may ironically have a longer-lasting run of attempted influence in the Church if the members are not awake.  Class E Agents are characterized them by the way they conspicuously avoid certain individuals in the Church.  They will play “favorites” and say, by either words or actions, “This member is better than that member.”


Zahakiel: Now, there is nothing wrong with being closer to some people than others.  There is, of course, a special closeness between a man and his wife, which represents the very unity between the Father and Son. (Mat 19:6)  Furthermore, some individuals will more naturally gravitate toward others, and we may find very strong friendships developing, such as that between David and Jonathan.  “Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.” (1Sam 18:3)


If two personalities find a kinship, that is natural.  The politician in this case, however, gravitates to some and not others because of actual dissatisfaction with the “others.”  In other words, he is closer to some by default, because he simply dislikes one or more of the other people in the Church.


These Class E Agents are the grudge-holders, the malcontents, the respecters of persons that the Scripture mentions.  James writes, “My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Yahshua the Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment, and ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, ‘Sit thou here in a good place,’ and say to the poor, ‘Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool,’ are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?  If ye fulfil the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,’ ye do well; but if ye have respect to persons ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.” (James 2:1-4, 8, 9)


Zahakiel: Say when you have read that passage.


Naraiel: Amen.

Qinael: Finished.

Rita: Done.

Crystle: Finished.

Jen: Finished.

Gadiel: Yes.

Barb: Done.

Ye: Done.

Happy Rock: Ok.

Guerline: Done.


Zahakiel: If a brother’s clothing, or speech, or website, or diet, offends you to the degree that it would violate your convictions not to address the matter with him (convictions, not merely preferences – there is room for individuality in the Body) then speak to him about it.  Follow Gospel Order diligently.  Do not, under any circumstances, swallow it and remain silent if it is going to be a continued source of suspicion and discontent.  If we become judges of our brethren, saying, “Brother A is obviously far more spiritual than brother B,” and this becomes a point of silent dissatisfaction, we are playing politics.  It is not long before these thoughts become manifest as actions.


Here again, the New Moon doctrine provides us an invaluable tool for “clearing the air” and cleansing the Body from all such thoughts and temptations.


Ye: Amen.


Zahakiel: We must not be constantly speaking every questionable thought that comes to our minds or we become open complainers, but we must certainly be upfront and honest about our thoughts and feelings.


Naraiel: Amen.


Zahakiel: How we deal with Exhibitionist Dividers is to make them aware that their actions are being noticed.  Unlike the other Agents, these may simply not be aware of what they are doing.  They may have less malicious intent than the others, and may be more open to correction if they realize the kind of influence that their overt favoritism is having on others.  The personalities of some individuals may be such that they tend to have difficulty allowing personal preferences and peaceful differences of opinion, and these will have a work to do in overcoming these tendencies.  The Body may facilitate such healing by being a mirror for the individual’s actions, that he may quickly recognize and eliminate all these potential sources of strife and division.  How the Agent reacts to this correction will determine his level of sincerity.  “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.  The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Pro 1:5, 7)


Finally, Class F is the Exhibitionist Tinkerer.  Here we have the ones that are openly officious in their actions.   These individuals are often offering help, thinking that they are doing a good service.  In reality, they are depriving those around them of the opportunity to grow and learn, even when this growth process involves making a few minor mistakes.


Zahakiel: Ellen White writes (much) on this matter, “Christ, the physician of the soul, understands its defects and its maladies, and knows how to heal with the purchase of His own blood. What the soul lacks, He can best supply. But men are so officious, they want to do so much, that they overdo the matter, leaving Christ no room to work.” [Selected Messages Book 1, page 178]


“Bear in mind that the work of restoring is to be our burden. This work is not to be done in a proud, officious, masterly way. Do not say, by your manner, ‘I have the power, and I will use it,’ and pour out accusations upon the erring one.” [Testimonies for the Church Volume Six, page 398]


“The principles of divine goodness must dwell in the heart, in order that pure, generous, kindly thoughts and actions shall be manifested in the life. Everything like secret working, like deception, like anxiety to discover a mote in our brother’s eye, like officious effort to remove the mote when a beam is in our own eye, is abhorrent to God.” [Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, August 16, 1892]


And a longer one... say when you are finished reading all these:


“There may be cases where human judgment may decide that a certain one does not accomplish much in advancing the work, and that the cause of God would be just as well without him. But who will dare to venture on the work of weeding out the ones supposed to be of little value? The Lord must judge in this matter. This measurement is not left to finite, human agencies. The one whom they question may produce results more directly in spiritual lines and interests for eternity than the persons who would set them aside. I know this has been the case in many instances. Judas was officious in this direction. And Christ said of him that he had a devil, because his mind was open to the devil’s work.” [Special Testimony to the Oakland and Battle Creek Churches, page 12]


Rita: Done.

Jen: Finished.

Crystle: Finished.

Kevin: Ok.

Qinael: I am finished.

Barb: Done.


Kimberly: I didn’t understand the last quote.  Who are the persons who would set them aside...what or how are they doing that?


Zahakiel: The last quote speaks of those who believe it is their place to decide who is or isn’t doing “useful work” in the Church.


Kimberly: Oh, I get it.


Gadiel: Like Judas questioning Mary Magdalene.


Kimberly: <nods.>  Thanks


Jen: And this is still the voice of the mixed multitude?


Zahakiel: Often.  Judas (to use the example just given) was a “member” of the group, but his faith was not the same as the others.


Pastor “Chick”: Mixed multitude and tares.


Zahakiel: Right.


Jen: I wanted to understand when you would listen to the voice of the mixed multitude?


Zahakiel: It takes discernment to know when they are speaking something useful, that is certain.


The example I am about to give dramatically points out the need for discernment:


“And when they came unto the threshingfloor of Chidon, Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark, for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of Yahweh was kindled against Uzza, and He smote him, because he put his hand to the ark: and there he died before Elohim.” (1Ch 13:9, 10)


You recall that David, at first, did not understand the importance of this event.


Kimberly: <nods.>


Zahakiel: Ellen White had much to say on this topic, and the Bible has some extremely dramatic warnings about Class F Agents… and there is a reason why so much emphasis has been placed on them.  Judas (mentioned earlier) was instrumental in the betrayal of Christ due to his actions along these lines, and in addition it is the Exhibitionist Tinkerer that led to the Trademark Law we are currently protesting.  Class F Agents (probably following a Class B Agent’s suggestions) decided to lay hands on the Ark and use human power to protect the Church of Yahshua.  Those who try to do too much to be “helpful” can be among the most dangerous and distracting obstacles to real spiritual growth.


The Bible says, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ,” (Gal 6:2) but this does not mean that we take the burdens from others against their will.  Yahweh did not seek Lucifer’s input regarding the creation of the material universe.  He did not ask for Uzza’s help in steadying His Ark.  Christ did not ask for Judas’ input about how best to go about completing His mission.  He did not ever ask for human help in defending His Church.  There is often a subtle line between being helpful and being officious, but we must all learn where that line is so that we can help others to grow, not suppress them or try to do their growing for them.  If we fail to do this, we step into the place of Christ, and then disaster (sometimes on a church-wide scale if the Agent is in a position of leadership) is sure to follow.


Rita: So then basically, when we put out our hand to “help”, we die


Zahakiel: It is a little more complicated than that.  Being helpful, genuinely, is good.  Being officious is not good.


Rita: That is what I meant.


Zahakiel: Ok.


Pastor “Chick”: Let me ask this, please...


Is it true that these Agents can be for the following numbers:


1) The mixed multitude

2) Tares

3) Members in ignorance of a character defect


Zahakiel: I would say that is accurate.


Pastor “Chick”: I have a sense to share.  It seems wise to apply this study inwardly first, and take GREAT care in looking outwardly, lest we “fall” into a trap of “tinkering.”


Zahakiel: Yes, absolutely.


Naraiel: Oh yes!


Kimberly: That’s exactly what we are trying to avoid here.


Zahakiel: So, now: how do we deal with the Class F Agent?


There are two possibilities.


First, in other organizations, church leaders are sometimes tempted to offer too much help to the laity.  This temptation, if indulged, leads to a cult-like situation where the officers of the church “call the shots” in aspects of the members’ lives that ought to be left to individual preference.  In such a case the laity has a responsibility to protest the actions of the leader(s) trying to act as their conscience – first one-on-one, then with witnesses, and then before the Church openly.  Unfortunately, in the case of the Trademark, the leaders hid their actions from the laity, giving them no opportunity to protest, until it was a “done deal.”  In cases like that, where the leaders are so secretive, so corrupt, the laity really has no choice but to depart from the tents of those wicked men (Num 16:26) and seek out the place where the Spirit of Yahweh has come to rest (Acts 2:38-42) if they wish to remain unpolluted by the politics of chaos.


The second possibility is more likely to be encountered among those connected with the CSDA Church – a peer offering help to the point of being an annoyance.  In such a case you begin by simply refusing the help.  In all these cases, identifying an Agent will not depend upon a single situation or circumstance.  We are not going to jump at every possible violation of Christian graces, and as pastor has said, we have to apply these principles inwardly first.  But if we notice a pattern of behavior that is not improving, then the Spirit will move us to speak.  If the individual in this case persists in offering or actively imposing unwanted help, the effects of what they are doing need to be pointed out.


Zahakiel: “Brother X, do you realize that you are hindering my work here, and preventing me from learning this on my own?”  If, after hearing that rebuke, the individual’s character is so defective that he continues to act in the same manner, then it is time to call in the witnesses and deal with it more openly.


Are there any questions on these things?


Gadiel: No.

Naraiel: No.

Qinael: I do not have any.

Kevin: No.

Happy Rock: No.


Zahakiel: Now, the classes are specific, but the demons themselves are not.  As I mentioned earlier, and someone asked about this, we often we see blends; a person may be an isolationist one moment and then broadcast his/her complaints and “suggestions” at the earliest convenience.  Spiritual politicians can be very tricky about this, and may seem at first to be operating for the best interest of the church with support of the ones with whom they have spoken.


For example they could say, “I suggest we change the color of our CSDA logo.”  On the other hand, it is far more effective for them to say, “As I was saying to brother A last week, I really think we should change the color of our CSDA logo.”  That implies (especially if brother A is not there, or remains passive) that there was already some discussion about it, and this lends credibility to the idea.  Additionally, a person may be a Tinkerer one moment, and a Divider the next.  In fact, this is OFTEN true if the person’s tinkering goes unpraised.


“I mentioned to brother A that we really should have changed that logo’s color, you know, but he didn’t even want to hear my suggestion!  Can you believe how narrow-minded brother A is?”


Zahakiel: You see how smooth a transition that can be.


So, the labels I have put there are for behaviors rather than people; they are for convenience that the actions may be discussed specifically, but in reality we may meet a single individual who demonstrates all these traits at different times, and to varying degrees.


The root of all these, as I mentioned at the beginning is a kind of idolatry, the idolatry of Opinion.  It is a mindset that thinks, “My way is better than Christ’s way as He has revealed Himself to His people.”  We, as the Body, have a responsibility to help our brethren see their idols, and to put them away.  In all six cases, you will notice that it is the imposition of Gospel Order that ultimately sets things right in the Church, and continues to hold the workers in the vineyard together as we go about our labors.


Let me end the study with some instructions from the Spirit of Prophecy regarding our mode of life, a course of action sure to keep us from the evils of these political Agents and their idols of opinion.  First: “Let nothing, however dear, however loved, absorb your mind and affections, diverting you from the study of God’s word or from earnest prayer. Watch unto prayer. Live your own requests. Co-operate with God by working in harmony with Him. Expel from the soul-temple everything that assumes the form of an idol. Now is God’s time, and His time is your time. Fight the good fight of faith, refusing to think or to talk unbelief. The world is to hear the last warning message.” [Testimonies for the Church Volume Eight, page 53]


Zahakiel: Agents, above all, are a threat to two things: unfeigned unity and doctrinal purity.  If you have not read it yet, I ask that you all read and take to heart the recent email message that pastor has made to all those with us, and those who are working toward being with us, for that is a most important teaching.


Let me close with a final thought as stated in the words of Ellen White under the heading, “How to Gain Success,” which is precisely what we must all know and keep in mind:


“Resolve, not in your own strength, but in the strength and grace given of God, that you will consecrate to Him now, just now, every power, every ability. You will then follow Jesus because He bids you, and you will not ask where, or what reward will be given. It will be well with you as you obey the word: ‘Follow Me.’ Your part is to lead others to the light by judicious, faithful efforts. Under the guardianship of the divine Leader, will to do, resolve to act, without a moment’s hesitation.” [Testimonies for the Church Volume Eight, pages 55, 56]  If we will do this as well as “refusing to think and talk of unbelief,” this will both keep us from being Agents of Chaos ourselves, and instruct us on how to identify and deal with them when they appear – without a moment’s hesitation.


Zahakiel: Now, are there any questions before we close?


Gadiel: No.

Qinael: I do not have any.

Barb: No.

Crystle: None here.

Guerline: No.

Kevin: No.

Naraiel: None.


Kimberly: No… Praise Yah for this lesson it has been a blessing to me.


Naraiel: This study has been a great study. Praise Yah.


Zahakiel: Glad to hear it.


Pastor, can you please offer the closing prayer?


Pastor “Chick”: Our Dear Heavenly Father,


We thank you for the safety we experience in a multitude of counselors… but, not only, a “multitude of counselors”, but the wise counselors of your inspiration.


Thank you that the system of Lucifer’s devising is being “ground to powder” by the “truth as it is in YAHshua.”


Bless us with continued growth, as the path grows narrower by the day.  Please bring us souls ready for harvest, and we praise your holy name, now and forever more...


In YAHshua’s blessed and holy name we pray, AMEN.


Zahakiel: Amen.

Kevin: Amen.

Guerline: Amen.

Barb: Amen.

Gadiel: Amen.

Kimberly: Amen.

Happy Rock: Amen.

Qinael: Amen.

Naraiel: Amen.